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My future profession

I am a second-year cadet of the Academy of law and management of the Federal Penal Service. Our educational establishment trains specialists for correctional institutions. The work of an economist is very responsible. He must know laws and principles of market economy and financial policy of the government. So the students of economics study a lot of subjects which will be useful for their future work: Accounting, Marketing, Management, Higher Mathematics, Statistics. We also must get a perfect knowledge of computers.

After graduating from the Academy many of us will work at correctional institutions as production foremen, sales managers, inventory managers, experts on merchandise, accountants and so on. So we are taught to organize production at corrections, to make all kinds of financial reports, balances and production plans.

Managing the time of prisoners is one of the major problems of institutional managers. Labour is viewed as a part of reformative process. So prison industry tries to find suitable ways to occupy inmates’ time and meet the financial interests of the community.

Work programs known as prison industry has been utilized to meet a variety of goals:

1) to make a profit for the prison

2) to reduce idle time

3) to enforce prison discipline

4) to punish

5) to rehabilitate

New programs were developed to help provide inmates with the skills needed to enter the job market upon leaving the institution.

Moreover after graduating our students can work at the Economic Crimes Investigation Departments. So we must be able to detect and investigate economic crimes, to develop methods of audit and inventory check.

I’m sure that my profession is difficult but very important and I’ll be able to perform well under the operational conditions.


III. Do the following exercises:

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