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Word Search

• Find 25 terms for parts of the body hidden in the letters below and list them in your notebooks. Words can appear horizontally, vertically, or diagonally; forwards or backwards. The first word has been found for you as an example.


  h o d t h u m b q w m  
  f і n g e г o g k a f  
  u b e s d k u с t і v  
  1e e y e   а s h e s y  
  l a p h і p t і k t p  
  b r o w с d a n e с k  
  o d h a і г с h e e k  
  w h f о г е h e a d n  
  o с o n о s e d г d e  
  s v o k е t s u   с e  
  r і t e е t h a n d t  

1. elbow


7. Try the puzzle!

All the answers in this crossword are parts of the body.


l.the joint of the human leg protected in front by the patella; 2. digestive organ; 6. the lower part of the alimentary canal; 7. the joint between the upper arm and the forearm; 9. another word for patella; 10. the controlling and coordinating centre of the nervous system; 12. the horny plate covering part of the dorsal surface of the fingers or toes; 14. any of the tubular vessels that convey oxygen-depleted blood to the heart; 16. the back part of the human foot from the instep to the lower part of the ankle; 17. the hollow muscular organ in vertebrates; 20. a slight depression in the centre of the abdomen; 22.a cell or organ that synthesizes chemical substances; 26. the tissue forming the outer covering of the vertebrate body; 27. the part of the face between the natural hairline and the eyes; 28. the organ of hearing and balance.



3. the body excluding the head, neck, and limbs; torso; 4. (in man) either of the upper limbs from the shoulder to the wrist; 5. another name for pelvis; 8. the constricted part of the trunk "between the ribs and hips; 11.respiratory organs within the thorax; 13. the part of an organism connecting the head with the rest of the body; 15. another name for lunula; 18. an angular projection; corner; 19. a joint of a finger, esp. that connecting a finger to the hand; 21.the lower limb; 23. any of the cordlike bundles of fibres that conduct sensory or motor impulses; 24. the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; 25. the upper or front part of the body that consists of the skull and face.

1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
18 19
20 21
22 23
24 25
27 28


V. Creative Tasks

• Brainstorming

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