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Human body and his structure

Systems of the body and their disease

Тема 28. Людське тіло та його структура.

I. Vocabulary

1. Learn the active vocabulary:

abdomen, belly, n* -живіт, черево;

ankle, n -кісточка, щиколотка;

arch, n -дуга, арка;

armpit, underarm, n -пахва, пахвова ямка;

back, n – спина;

bladder, n -міхур (сечовий);

bone, n – кістка;

bowel, n – кишка;

brain, n – мозок;

breastbone, sternum, n -грудна кістка, грудина;

breast, n -грудна залоза;

buttocks, n – сідниці;

calf (pl. calves), n – литка;

cartilage, n – хрящ;

collar-bone, n – ключиця;

coronal, adj – вінцевий, коронарний;

cranial, adj – черепний;

diaphragm, n -діафрагма, мембрана;

elbow, n – лікоть;

epigastrium, n (adj. epigastric) -надчеревна ділянка;

finger-nail, n ніготь;

finger -tip, n - кінчик пальця;

forearm, n – передпліччя;

gallbladder, n - жовчний міхур;

groin, n – пах;

half-moon, n – півмісяць;

heart, n – серце;

heel, n - п'ятка, п'ята;

hip, n - стегно, поперек;

hypochondrium, n (adj. hypochondriac) - підреберна ділянка,підребер'я;

hypogastrium (adj. hypogastric) - гіпогастрій,підчеревна ділянка;

ilium, n - клубова кістка;

iliac, adj – клубовий;

inguinal, adj – паховий;

intestine, n small (large) ~ - кишка, кишечниктонка (товста) кишка;

jaw, n – шелепа;

kidney, n – нирка;

knuckle, n - суглоб пальця;

larynx, n – гортань;

liver, n – печінка;

loin, waist, n small of the back - поперек, крижі;

lumbar, adj – поперековий;

lung, n – легеня;

muscle, n - мускул; м'яз;

navel, belly button, n - пупок, пуп;

oesophagus, gullet, n – стравохід;

palm, n – долоня;

pancreas, n - підшлункова залоза;

patella, kneecap, n - колінна чашечка;

pelvic girdle - тазовий пояс;

pelvis, n – таз;

peritoneum, n – черевина;

pharynx, n - зів. глотка;

private parts, genitals, n - рl. статеві органи;

rib, n – ребро;

sagittal, adj - сагітальний, стрілоподібний;

salivary gland(s) - рl. слинні залози;

scalp, n - шкіра черепа, скальп;

shank, shin, n – гомілка;

shoulder girdle - плечовий пояс;

skull, n – череп;

sole, n – підошва;

spine, n – хребет;

spinal column - хребетний стовп;

spinal cord – спинний мозок;

spleen, n – селезінка;

stomach, n – шлунок;

thigh, n – стегно;

thorax, chest, n - грудна клітка;

toe, n - палець на нозі;

trachea, windpipe, n - трахея, дихальне горло;

trunk, torso, n – тулуб;

transverse, adj – поперечний;

umbilical (~cord) -пупковий (~ пуповина);

uterus, n – матка;

wrist, n - зап'ясток.


2. Translate and memorize the following words and phrases:

abdominal cavity, inguinal region, spleen, coronal plane, peritoneum, cartilages of the ribs, sole, spinal cord, to be separated by the diaphragm, sagittal plane passes, lumbar region of the spine, iliac, umbilical cord, transverse plane, epigastric region, pharynx, uterus, the small of the back, hypogastrium, skull, collar-bone, salivary glands, kidney, small (large) intestine, gallbladder, palm, knuckle, shoulder girdle


3. Complete the sentences using one of the following medical terms. The first one has been done for you as an example.

navel patella back pelvis ankle neck throat thorax spine elbow wrist spinal canal


1. The thorax is a division of the human body that lies between the head and the abdomen.

2. In the mammals the abdomen constitutes the part of the body between the thorax (chest) and.

3. Upper limb includes the hand,, forearm, elbow, arm, and shoulder.

4. The human is the large posterior area of the human body. It is the surface

opposite to the chest.

5. The runs through the spine and provides nerves to the rest of the body.

6. The human leg is the lower limb of the body, extending from the hip to the.

7. The is the part of the body that distinguishes the head from the torso or


8. Your tonsils can get swollen when you have a sore.

9. Another word for belly button is.

10. She may never walk again because her was so badly injured.

11. Theis located in the middle of the arm.

12. The bone that is at the middle of the leg is the, or knee cup.


4. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:

shank intestines

loin torso


private parts windpipe

spine waist

trachea underarm

patella gullet

breastbone shin

thorax kneecap

bowels spinal column

armpit sternum

trunk genitals


5. Find substitutes for the following word combinations. Then use sentences of your own.

1. one of the pair of organs of respiration, situated in the chest cavity 2. a hollow muscular cone-shaped organ, lying between the lungs 3. the hard extremely dense tissue that forms the skeleton of the body 4. the part of the arm from the elbow to the wrist 5. the part of the skull that frames the mouth and holds the teeth 6. the inner part of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers 7. the skin covering the top of the head 8. digestive organ 9. a sac-shaped organ that stores the urine produced by the kidneys 10. the part of the body at the end of the arm 11. the thick fleshy part of the back of the leg between the ankle and the knee 12. the part of the leg between the hip and the knee in man a. calf b. stomach c. palm d. bone e. thigh f. bladder g. hand h. scalp i. heart j. forearm k. lung   l. jaw




II. Reading and Comprehension

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