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Типы карт, чеков и счетов

1. Debit card (дебетовая карта) - a plastic card that, when used, immediately reduces the balance in the user’s bank account.

2. Credit cards (кредитная карта) - provide a temporary loan to their users by allowing them to purchase items and pay for them later.

3. Checkable deposit (чековый вклад) - any deposit in a commercial bank or thrift institution against which a check may be written; it includes demand deposits, and NOW, or ATS accounts.

4. Check (чек) - a written order for a bank or other financial institution to pay a stated sum of money to the business or person indicated on the face of the check.

5. Open check (открытый чек) - a check payable on presentation by the holder in cash.

6. Closed (crossed) check (закрытый чек) - a check that can only be paid into the bank account of the person presenting it for payment.

7. Traveller's checks (дорожные чеки) - checks issued by large financial institutions and sold through depository institutions such as banks and credit unions.

8. Certified check (гарантированный чек) - a check certified by a bank to be cashable.

9. Cashier’s check (банковский чек) – a check on the bank written by the bank’s cashier.

10. ATS account (автоматический счет финансовых услуг) - a deposit that can be automatically remitted to a savings account.

11. Noncheckable savings account (нечековый сберегательный счет) - a savings account against which a check may not be written, a savings account which is not a NOW, or ATS.

12. Negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) account (Счет НАУ) - an interest-bearing checking account offered by commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loan associations.

13. Money market account (счет денежного рынка) - an account at a financial institution that pays interest rates comparable to those paid by money market mutual funds and that permits the depositor to write a limited number of checks against the account.

14. Money market deposit accounts (депозитный счет денежного рынка) - that part of the M2 money supply consisting of investments in government-insured bank funds that are invested in short-term, low-risk financial securities.

15. Demand deposits (вклады до востребования) - are accounts on which depositors can write checks to obtain their deposits at any time.

16. Time deposit (срочный вклад) - money placed in a financial institution that remains there (on deposit) for a period of time while earning interest.

17. Certificate of deposit (CD) (депозитный сертификат) - a time deposit in a financial institution that is made for a certain period of time at a fixed rate of interest.


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