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Экономические показатели и измерители

1. GDP (gross domestic product) (ВВП валовой внутренний продукт) - the value of all goods and services produces in the economy in a given period such as a year.

2. GNP (gross national product) (ВНП валовой национальный продукт) - the total of all completed goods and services produced by an economic system during a one-year period.

3. Stability (стабильность) – a situation, in which the relationship between the supply of money and goods, services, and labour remains constant.

4. Growth (рост) – an increase in the amount of goods and services produced using the same resources.

5. Economic growth (экономический рост) – an increase in output (real GNP), an expansion of production possibilities.

6. Real GNP (Реальный ВНП) – GNP adjusted for inflation and changes in the value of a country’s currency.

7. Potential GDP (потенциальный ВВП) - the real GDP that the economy would produce if its labour and other resources were fully employed.

8. Real GDP (реальный ВВП) - the value of all the goods and services produced by an economy in a year, evaluated in dollars of constant purchasing power. Hence, inflation does not raise real GDP.

9. Potential output (level of GNP) (потенциальный выпуск) - GNP that could be produced at a specified level of capacity utilization.

10. Nominal GDP (номинальный ВВП) – GDP calculated by valuing all outputs at current prices.

11. Aggregate output (совокупный выпуск) - the total quantity of final goods & services produced in the economy during a given time period.

12. Productivity (производительность) – the relationship between the input of resources (the factors of production) and the output of goods and services; a measure of efficiency that compares how much is produced with the resources used to produce it.

13. Standard of living (уровень жизни) – a measure of a society’s economic well-being.

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