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Oxford and Cambridge

469. In practice the United Kingdom is ruled by the ….


470. The longest river in England is the ….


471. The highest mountain –Ben Nevis (1343)- is in ….


472. The National Flag of the UK is known as the ….

Union Jack

473. Westminster Abbey was built by the architect …

Sir Christopher Wren

474. Many famous people are buried in ….

Westminster Abbey

475. What is Downing Street famous for?

The British Prime Minister lives there

476. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

New York

477. The American Flag has …

Thirteen stripes

478. Where is the tallest skyscraper in the world? New York

479. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? July 4

480. What is the national sport in America? Soccer

481. Who was the first president of the USA? George Washington

482. Which is the United States capital? Washington D.C.

483. In which city is “Hollywood”? Los Angeles

484. What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the U.S.? Oscar

485. The Mississippi River is the... water way in the United States. Greatest

486. Washington, D.C. is a.... District

487. Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus

488. How many states are there in America? 50

489. What is the national symbol of America? The bald eagle

490. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from.... France

491. Which beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA? Niagara

492. Where does the President of the USA live and work? In the White House

493. What is Disneyland? Children’s Park of Wonder

494. The colours of American flag are... Red, white, blue

495. July 4th is … Independence Day

496. Who is officially the head of the state and the government of the USA? President

497. What is the tallest sight in Washington, D.C.? US Capitol

498. Oscar is a prize given for … Achievement in motion-picture production

499. What is the White House? The residence of President

500. The anthem of the USA is …. The Star-Spangled Banner


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