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416. London is on the....


417. Sherwood Forest is famous for the legendary ….

Robin Hood

418. “Ulster” is another name for ….

Northern Ireland

420. The national emblem of Scotland is the ….


421. The word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, means ….


422. The British currency is ….


443. What is the national emblem of England?


444. British people celebrate Halloween on the ….

31st of October

445. A red dragon is the symbol of which country?


446. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

447. … is Great Britain’s oldest University.


448. What is the capital of Wales?


449. The ravens in the Tower of London are taken care of because ….

Of a legend

450. The British Parliament consists of ….

The house of Lords and the house of Commons

451. Who is the official head of the state in Great Britain?

The queen or the king

452. What is “Big Ben”?


453. Which of the following can not be found in London?

The Statue of Liberty

454. The City is the ….

Business part of London

455. The national flower of Wales is ….


456. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is ….

A constitutional monarchy

457. The “Speaker’s Corner” is situated in … in London.

Hyde park

458. The chairman of the House of Commons in the English Parliament is ….

The Speaker

459. The chairman of the House of Lords in the English Parliament is ….

The Lord-Chancellor

460. The most popular English sport is ….


461. The Capital of Northern Ireland is ….


462. Madam Tussaud’s is a museum of ….

Wax figures

463. Madam Tussaud’s museum is in ….


464. What country is the nearest continental neighbour to Great Britain?


465. … separates Great Britain from France.

English Channel

466. London is divided into ….

The City; the West End, the East End and Westminster

467. Who wrote “Hamlet”?


468. … are the most famous educational centres of England.

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