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Q. Will FDA be requesting new legislation to prevent counterfeiting from increasing?

A. There are clear opportunities to do a better job protecting drug products from counterfeiters using modern technologies. New approaches that were not possible when the Prescription Drug Marketing Act (PDMA) was implemented 15 yrs ago are available or on the horizon. FDA does intend to work with Congress to stiffen penalties for those who counterfeit drug products.



IV. Read the newspaper article and identify its main idea.


The U.S. Based Center for Medicines in the Public Interest predicts that counterfeit drugs (c.d.) sales will reach $ 75 billion globally in 2010, an increase of more than 90 percent from 2005.

Although precise and detailed data, on c.d. is difficult to obtain, estimates range from around 1 percent of sales in developed counties to over 10% in developing countries, depending on geographical area.

Counterfeiting is greatest in those regions where the regulatory and legal oversight is weakest. Most industrialized countries with effective regulatory systems and market control (e.g. U.S., most of E.U., Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand) have a low proportion, i.e. less than 1% of market value. Many countries in Africa and parts of Asia & Latin America have areas where more than 30% of the medicines on sale can be counterfeit, while other developing markets have less than 10%; overall, a reasonable range is between 10 to 30 percent.

Many of the former Soviet republics have a proportion of c.d. which is above 20% of market value – this falls into the developing country range. Medicines purchased over the Internet from sites that conceal their physical address are counterfeit in over half of cases.



V. Read the article from the magazine “Health horizons” and pay attention to the following:

1. Equipment and reagents which the mini-lab includes;

2. Scientists who were engaged in the development of the mini-lab;

3. Countries the lab is widely used now;

4. Specialist whom the mini-lab is suited for and healthcare units where it can be used;

5. Active ingredients for which test methods were developed.




Simple test methods for revealing counterfeit and substandard drugs have been developed by the German Pharma Health Fund (GPHF)1, a non-profit organization established by the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Germany. The Minilab® provides a reliable, simple and inexpensive method for the easy detection of counterfeits found worldwide.


This portable, tropics-compatible and easy-to-use mini-laboratory will be used mainly in developing countries, which are particularly affected by counterfeit medicines. Most hit are those living in developing countries for whom high quality and inexpensive drugs are not readily available and where the means for an effective drug quality control system are not yet fully in place.

Testing the quality of drugs by means of the Minilab® involves a four-stage test plan that employs very simple physical and chemical analytical techniques:

▪ visual inspection scheme of solid dosage forms including the associated packaging material for a timely rejection of rough counterfeits;

▪ simple tablet and capsule disintegration tests for a preliminary assessment of deficiencies related to drug solubility and availability;

▪ simplified colour reactions for a quick check of any drug present, thus ensuring the drug’s identity;

▪ easy-to-use thin layer chromatographic assays for a quick check of quantities of drug present, thus ensuring the drug potency.

This development work has been carried out in close cooperation with Professor Peter Pachaly, School of Pharmacy at the University of Bonn, and Professor Klaus Fleischer, Department of Tropical Medicine at the Medical Mission Institute in Würzburg, Germany. The overall priority during the development phase was to present reliable test methods employing a simple and versatile technology. The quantities of reagents and solvents supplied in the start-up package are sufficient to support at least 3,000 color reactions in order to verify the drugs’ identity and 1,000 thin-layer chromatography runs in order to verify their potency, putting the average cost per test at approximately US$ 1.3. All analytical reagents and the equipment are carefully selected to ensure that they are locally available.

After several years of development, the new Minilab® was subjected to lengthy field testing in Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, and the Philippines, between 1997 and 1998. These tests have shown that the Minilab® is a practical and effective tool for the identification and quality control of pharmaceuticals.

The trials have confirmed that all the procedures employed can be performed, without any problem, in primary healthcare stations, in hospitals, and in pharmacies, even those which are based in rural areas. Furthermore, the methods used are also suited for customs officials based at harbours, airports, or any other port of entry.

The Minilab® is a very helpful and important tool for all government authorities, professional bodies and nongovernmental organizations working in public health care and responsible for ensuring a constant supply of high-quality drugs in developing countries.

Test methods were developed initially for 15 active ingredients, taking into account the WHO Essential Drug List and common prescription practice. The active ingredients chosen included antibiotics and antiparasitics as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications that are frequently counterfeited.



VI. Read the report released by Health and Human Services (USA). Say what its main aim is and what recommendations it includes. Name those which from your point of view are the most effective ones.



Drug counterfeiting has been relatively rare in the United States, but the practice has increased in recent years. The Food and Drug Administration has stepped up its efforts to halt drug counterfeiting and has issued a report highlighting critical elements that will help keep the U.S. drug supply safe and secure.


The report, released by Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson in February 2004, uses a multi-pronged approach to address weaknesses in the drug distribution system. The report’s recommendations include:


§ New technologies. The FDA believes radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging of products is feasible by 2007, and could be an effective way to tract and trace drugs from the point of manufacturing to the point of dispensing. RFID places electromagnetic chips and tags containing a unique serial number onto cartons and individual drug products. Other important anti-counterfeiting technologies include color-shifting inks, holograms, and chemical markers incorporated into a drug or its label.

§ Stricter licensing requirements. The FDA is working with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy on revising model state rules for licensure of wholesale drug distributors to make it more difficult for illegitimate wholesalers to get into business.

§ Tougher penalties. The task force found that penalties for counterfeiting drugs are substantially less than for other types of counterfeiting, such as counterfeiting registered trademarks. For example, counterfeiting a prescription drug label that bears a registered trademark is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, while counterfeiting the drug itself is punishable by a maximum of three years in prison. The FDA has requested that the United States Sentencing Commission increase criminal penalties for manufacturing and distributing counterfeit drugs.

§ More secure business practices. Effective protection requires everyone in the drug supply chain to adopt secure business practices and to refuse to do business with people of unknown background. The FDA also recommends that businesses identify individuals and teams to take responsibility for security. Additionally, the FDA intends to increase its inspections of repackages who follow procedures that place them at increased risk for the introduction of counterfeit drugs.

§ Increased education. The FDA plans to increase education for consumers and health professionals about the risks of counterfeiting. The agency will develop educational materials, partner with organizations, and deliver messages through public service announcements and its Web site (www.fda.gov).

§ International collaboration. Counterfeit drugs represent a global challenge. The FDA does not have the legal authority or resources to assure the safety and effectiveness of drugs purchased outside of the United States. The agency intends to work with the World Health Organization (WHO), Interpol, and other international organizations on worldwide strategies to combat counterfeiting.

§ Improved reporting systems. If counterfeit drugs get into the system, there should be procedures in place to recognize the problem and quickly alert the public. Last year, the pharmaceutical industry announced a voluntary program in which companies agreed to notify the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations of suspected counterfeiting within five working days. The FDA also encourages pharmacists and other health professionals to report suspected counterfeit drugs to MedWatch, the agency’s program for reporting safety information and adverse events. And the FDA has announced the creation of a Counterfeit Alert Network, a group of organizations that will spread the word about counterfeiting incidents and general educational messages from the FDA. Several organizations have joined the network, including the American Pharmacists Association, the American Medical Association, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the National Consumers League, and the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy.

It is not a victimless crime. It isn’t an offense against trademarks, or the balance sheets of deep-pocketed pharmaceutical companies. Counterfeit drugs hurt people. And the victims are most often people who need real, quality drugs the most: cancer patients, AIDS patients, and people being treated for heart disease. Moreover, those who have ended up with counterfeit drugs didn’t necessarily go shopping for cheap pills from questionable sources. Many bought them at their local pharmacy. No one knows how many people have taken counterfeit prescription drugs in the U.S., although the number could be surprisingly high. In 2003, the FDA announced a recall of some 200,000 bottles of Lipitor (a popular cholesterol-lowering drug) that were believed to be fake. Over the previous two years, 110,000 bottles of counterfeit Epogen and Procrit, drugs used to boost red blood cell production in people with cancer, AIDS, and kidney disease, made their way into the marketplace. Law enforcement officials recovered only one-tenth of the counterfeit drugs. In the latter case, the drugs patients got were highly diluted. In another instance, a man thought he was injecting himself daily with an AIDS medicine when he was actually taking a female pregnancy hormone. Others who have received counterfeit prescription drugs still have no idea what they really took.



VII. Render the newspaper articles into English.



Ни одно лекарство, которое реализуется в республике, в том числе через коммерческие аптеки, не поступает в торговую сеть без строжайшего контроля. Через Витебскую контрольно-аналитическую лабораторию УП «Фармация» проходят все партии лекарственных средств, ввозимых из-за пределов республики и производимых на ее территории.

В начале 2005 года Минздрав издал нормативные акты, упредившие поступление фальсифицированной продукции в республику. В июле 2007 года был принят Закон «О лекарственных средствах». Согласно ему фальсификат – это «лекарственное средство, умышленно сопровождаемое недостоверной информацией о его составе и (или) производителе». Это может быть лекарственное средство, содержащее действующее вещество, но изготовленное нелегально, либо не содержащее действующее вещество (пустышка) или оно не соответствует указанному на упаковке. Мизерная часть ввозимой продукции, случается, бракуется (в 2007 году – 0,06% от всего количества лекарственных средств) как некачественная. Из-за неправильных условий хранения и доставки были изменены внешний вид или физико-химические показатели. Это лишь доказывает, насколько важно и дома хранить лекарства строго в соответствии с инструкцией.

В 2007 году в контрольно-аналитической лаборатории проведено 13700 анализов. Вся ввозимая лекарственная продукция, ровно, как и произведенная в республике, здесь подвергается по серийному контролю, а в случае необходимости проверяется каждая партия. Это уже второй этап контроля (первый – через ОТК непосредственно на заводах-изготовителях). В «Фармации» контроль осуществляют семь специалистов, провизоров-аналитиков с категориями и опытом работы. Во-первых, проверяется в порядке ли документация, дизайн и маркировка; во-вторых, препарат проверяется на соответствие требуемым показателям – цветность, прозрачность, растворимость и, главное, подлинность, содержание действующего вещества. Кроме ручных методов, используются приборы и, прежде всего, спектрофотометр. Образец в виде раствора помещается в специальное устройство, и машина вскоре выдает графическое изображение, идентичное введенным стандартным параметрам. Если к препарату претензий нет, выписывается протокол испытаний, который заверяет заведующая лабораторией, и на сертификате, наконец, появляется штампик с голограммой «Допуск к реализации». Голограмма, которая, кстати, тоже защищает от подделок, введена с 2004 года.



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