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Counterfeit drugs



I. Vocabulary learning.

Exercise 1. Memorize the following words.

1. authorization n. уполномочивание, санкция, разрешение.
2. alert v. предупреждать.
3. alter v. изменять(ся), менять(ся); вносить изменение, переделывать.
4. assess v. 1. определять сумму налога, штрафа; 2. облагать налогом, штрафовать; 3. оценивать.
5. available adj. доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный; пригодный, полезный.
6. background n. подоплека; предпосылка, данные, объяснение, истоки; подготовка, квалификация.
7. benefit (treatment) n. пенсия, пособие (по болезни).
8. collaboration n. сотрудничество, совместная работа.
9. consequence n. 1. следствие, вывод; 2. значение, важность.
10. estimate v., n. 1. оценивать, давать оценку; 2. оценка/смета, наметка.
11. fake n., v. 1. подделка, фальшивка, плутовство; 2. подделывать, мошенничать.
12. familiarize v. ~ oneself with smth. ознакомлять; освоиться, ознакомиться с чем-л.
13. hazard n. риск, опасность.
14. hazardous a. рискованный.
15. highlight v. 1. ярко освещать; 2. выдвигать на первый план, придавать большое значение.
16. implement v. выполнять, осуществлять; обеспечивать выполнение.
17. issue v. 1. издавать(ся), выпускаться; 2. выходить, исходить; 3. кончаться, завершаться.
18. penalty n. наказание, взыскание, штраф.
19. prevalence n. широкое распространение, распространенность.
20. quantify v. определять количество.
21. retailer n. розничный торговец, лавочник.
22. suit v. удовлетворять требованиям, устраивать, быть полезным, пригодным.
23. up-date v. модернизировать.
24. verify v. проверять, подтверждать.
25. versatile a. многосторонний, непостоянный, гибкий, изменчивый.
26. vigilant a. бдительный, неусыпный.
27. wholesale n. оптовая торговля.



Exercise 2. Translate word combinations from English into Russian.

extent of the problem, hazardous ingredients, familiarize oneself with counterfeit medications, updated information, altered containers, radio frequency chips, taggants, to assign individual serial number to the product, to stiffen penalty, preliminary assessment, versatile technology, to verify the drugs identity, primary health care stations, drug distribution system, people of unknown background, to alert the public, dangerous health consequences.



Exercise 3. Translate word combinations from Russian into English.

фальсификации лекарств; содержать вредные ингредиенты; размещать самую последнюю информацию на веб-сайте; ухудшение состояния здоровья; осуществлять новые подходы; потребители товаров; измененная упаковка продукции; предупреждать появление фальсифицированных лекарств; присвоение индивидуального серийного номера продукту; обеспечивать снабжение лекарствами высокого качества; существующие надежные методы тестирования; применять простые физические и химико-аналитические способы определение фальшивых лекарств; некачественная продукция; неправильные условия хранения; препараты, имеющиеся в наличии.



Exercise 4. Choose the synonymous words.

1. a benefit a) profit; b) promotion;
c) assistance; d) advantage.
2. hazard a) incident; b) misfortune;
c) danger; d) risk
3. to conceal a) cover; b) shelter;
c) hide; d) keep dark.
4. alert adj. a) active; b) careful;
c) watchful; d) lively.
5. to suit a) correspond; b) accommodate;
c) adapt; d) adjust.
6. available a) at hand; b) obtainable;
c) handful; d) accessible.
7. consequence a) effect; b) outcome;
c) side-effect; d) affect.
8. to verify a) to investigate; b) confirm;
c) to prove; d) probe.
9. to alter a) to adjust; b) rebuild;
c) modify; d) reshape.
10. to implement a) accomplish; b) carry out;
c) fulfill; d) perform.
11. fake a) counterfeit; b) fabricate;
c) copy; d) repeat.
12. background a) circumstances; b) culture;
c) environment; d) surroundings.
13. penalty a) punishment; b) fine;
c) charge; d) fee.
14. to highlight a) emphasize; b) light;
c) focus on; d) accentuate.
  keys: 1) a;c;d; 2) b;c;d; 3) a;b;c;d; 4) a;b;c; 5) a;b;c;d; 6) a;b;d; 7) a;b;c; 8) b;c; 9) a;c;d; 10) a;b;c;d; 11) a;b;c; 12) a;b;c;d; 13) a;b; 14) a;c;d.



II. Grammar Points.

Note that modals can, may, must, should with Perfect Infinitive express the following:

▪ With may/might + Perfect Infinitive we make a speculation which seems rather unlikely to be true.

Mode of translation: может быть, возможно + гл. в прошедшем времени; мог (могли) + инфинитив.

▪ With must + Perfect Infinitive we express supposition, assurance.

Mode of translation: должно быть, вероятно + гл. в прошедшем времени.

▪ With can/could + Perfect Infinitive we can make assumptions about the Past, express doubt or reproach about smth. they did or didn’t do.

Mode of translation: in negative sentences – не мог + инфинитив; in interrogative sentences – неужели, не может быть, чтобы.

▪ With should/ought + Perfect Infinitive we say that we now think a decision we took was a wrong one. We can also criticize the decision of others.

Mode of translation: (не) нужно было, (не) следовало, (не) следовало бы.



Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences, analyzing the usage of modals with Perfect Infinitive.

1. Can he have done it?

2. They cannot have done it.

3. She must have lost the prescription.

4. He may have dispensed drugs.

5. She might have come to proper decision.

6. You could at least have called me, couldn’t you?

7. He shouldn’t have given so much medicine to the child.

8. You should have told me about it a week ago.

9. From time to time this medicine may have been used with less or greater extent.

10. After a two-month stay in hospital your grandfather must have improved his health.

11. For many centuries opium poppy may have been the best medicine relieving pain.

12. Such substances cannot have been used by millions of people world over.

13. The nature and significause of the drug action must have been considered in term of interaction between the drug and the individual.

14. She may have forgotten that the lecture begins 20 minutes earlier than usually.



Exercise 2. Transform the underlined parts of the sentences as in the model to express certainty, uncertainty reproach, supposition, doubt, etc and explain what feelings are expressed in the transformed sentence.

Model: Patients may experience unexpected side effects, allergic reactions or a worsening of their medical condition. Patients might have experienced … … (supposition).


1. Counterfeit medications may contain hazardous ingredients.

2. Pharmacists should familiarize themselves with the drugs which may be counterfeited. Healthcare professional should contact the FDA immediately, if he (she) believes that a patient has received a counterfeit drug.

3. Any irregularity in packaging or labeling of a drug should be reported to FDA and the manufacture immediately.

4. Consumers can protect themselves from the risk associated with counterfeit drugs by purchasing all prescription and over-the-counter medications from state licensed pharmacies.

5. There are several technologies that may be helpful to detect counterfeits.

6. Consumer must be vigilant when examining their personal medication.

7. Differences in the physical appearance of the product, taste, and side effects experienced should alert the patients to contact their physician or pharmacist.

8. Patients may experience unexpected side effects, allergic reactions, or a worsening of their medical condition.



Exercise 3. Make sentences combining Modals with Perfect Active or Passive Infinitives.

1. The instructor is very disappointed. He believes the assignment (should/give) to someone else.

2. Yes, there were two copies of the article on my disk yesterday morning. No, I handn’t the faintest idea how they had got there. They (must/put) them there the night before.

3. You are sure to remember what happened then. It (can’t /forget).

4. You (should/call) me, and the manuscript (could/ drop off) at your place.

5. I’m sorry to disturb you. I (must/ misinform).



Exercise 4. Paraphrase the sentences using the phrases to be likely, to be sure, to be certain, etc. instead to the verb Must.

1. He must have passed unnoticed.

2. She must have been unaware of being awkward.

3. I must have failed to recognize you.

4. You must not to be upset about it.

5. She must have every chance to with the prize.

6. He must be telling the truth.



Exercise 5. Make sentences using Perfect Passive Infinitives.


Model: This article is likely (write/ long before we first encountered the problem. This article is likely to have been written long before we first encountered the problem.


1. Everything in his life is likely (make) secondary to his business success.

2. It would have been nice for a new series of experiments (complete) but there was no time for that.

3. I’m glad (invite) to accomplish the mission.

4. His health was too important to him (neglect).

5. Our goal appears (achieve).

6. Such top jobs are unlikely (advertise). They are filled through recommendations or technical journal ads.



Exercise 6. Express supposition, doubt, uncertainty or hesitation with the help of modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive.


Model: 1) miss the train/ late He must have missed the train that’s why he is late. 2) break the arm She could have broken the arm. 3) sail by another ship They may have sailed by another ship.

Use the following expressions: lose the reader’s card, leave the umbrella on the train, drop the key in the street, catch a cold, be late for the lecture, miss the seminar, win the game, fall behind the group, get the first prize, fall from the horse, smash the car, get married.


Exercise 7. Express advice, prohibition, warning referring to the past by modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive.


Model: 1) be a good sailor You shouldn’t have told her that you were a good sailor. 2) to tell a lie You ought not to have told your mother a lie.

Use the following words: study German, work in the laboratory, speak to the monitor, miss classes, prepare a talk, see that film, take part in the drama club, sing in the choir, work in the sport camp, go to the mountains in summer, learn to drive a car, visit the Arts museum.


III. Read the text and answer the given questions in short.


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