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Part II

Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense; interrogative words: how often, how long.


Глагол в Present ContinuousTense выражает действие, происходящее непосредственно в данный момент или в течение какого-то настоящего времени. Поэтому действие часто сопровождается такими словами, как: at the moment (в данный момент); now (сейчас); for (в течение); from…to ( until ) (от…до), while (в то время как) и другими.


Утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to BE в соответствующей форме и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing.


Present Continuous Tense = (am, is, are) + V (ing).




  The students are working at the lab now.   Is Jane running now? – No, she isn’t. She is doing her home-task.   Сейчас студенты работают в лаборатории.   Джейн бежит сейчас? – Нет. Она выполняет своё домашнее задание.



Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present Continuous Tense.


1. Dolores (to live) in England for two months?

2. What (to do) you tonight?

3. It (to rain) at the moment. Don’t forget to take an umbrella.

4. Don’t interrupt me, please! Don’t you see I (to listen) to the concert now.


Exercise 2. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms.


1. The train is arriving at the platform.

People are hurrying to the cars to see their friends and relatives.

2. It is snowing hard.

3. Many students are working in the University garden now.

They are planting trees and bushes.

4. I am studying economics now.


Exercise 3. Open the bracket and put the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Be sure you know prompting words to help you.


1. Every morning many freshmen and seniors (to hurry) to the lecture-rooms of the University.

2. Where is John? – He (to play) tennis.

3. Every minute you can see how trains (to arrive) at and (to leave) the platforms of the Central Victoria station.

4. Jane often (to visit) the student Recreation Centre.

5. While I (to do shopping) my sister (to watch) TV-advertisements.

6. She (to come) home at 7, (to have) supper and (to go) to the club.

7. She (to cook) dinner while her roommate (to write) a letter home.



Exercise 4. Read and translate the text and name it.


Dear mum and dad!

This is my fist detailed letter which I think you are expecting impatiently. So, I’m a student of the University, they call us freshmen here, and we like this name because everything is new for us. I am no longer nervous about all the new faces. It seems as if we’re known each other for years. We are gradually making friends with seniors as well because we are spending a lot of time together. My academic adviser is very nice. He is helpful and friendly. We meet two times a week. He helps me with the decisions I’m making. If I need more help in my studies there is free tutoring at the Student Development Centre. I like all our professors who are real experts in his or her field of study and they all bring extensive professional experience to the classroom. In a word every faculty or a college as they call it here educates us and helps us to succeed in life. My majors are Business administration, economics and accounting.

There are all the necessary facilities for sports. I often go to the swimming pool. You know how much I like swimming. So, many students say that we are at the University that cares.

There are students from many countries: Spain, India, Germany, Russia and others.

Residence life is becoming a vital part of our new and exciting experience. The friends we life with are becoming our second family. This is my case too. As you know from our telephone talk I share a room with Dolores. She’s Spanish, but she speaks good English, so there is no any language problem. I like her very much. She is giving you her best regards.

See you at Christmas.

Love, Jane.


Exercise 5. Divide the text into parts, name each part and say what it’s about.


Exercise 6. Speak about yourself answering the following questions.


1. How long are you studying at your University?

2. Do you live with your family or alone?

3. What can you say about your residence life (rent room or a flat, live in a hostel, stay with your friends, etc.).

4. Do you go in for sports? What kind of sports do you like?

5. Is there tutorial system at your University (if not, would you like to have it)?

6. Who helps you with your studies? Who consults you on difficult problems?

7. How often do you have classes and lectures (every day, four times a week, etc.)?

8. What majors are you choosing for learning?

9. Who is your best friend?

10. Is there a canteen, café or bar in your University?

11. Where do you usually have lunch?

12. How do you spend your free time?


Exercise 7. Imagine you are a student of London University. Write a letter to your parents or friends about your University life. (Use Jane’s letter as a pattern.)

Unit 3

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