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First-year students; a student of the department of economics and business management; to be nervous; to be excited; to be happy


Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования


Северо-Западный государственный заочный технический университет



В.А. Гершкович, В.В. Левенштерн




Сборник текстов и упражнений

Институт управления

производственными и инновационными



Направление подготовки высшего профессионального образования

080000 – экономика и управление




Издательство СЗТУ

Unit 1


The First Day at the College

Grammar: the verbs: to BE, to HAVE; сonstruction: there + be; рrepositions of place; interrogative words: where, what, why, which.



This is August 17. This is the first day of studies at the college. There are many students in the hall. They are from different faculties. In room 52 there are only first-year students. Jane Fosters is one of them. She is a student of the department of economics and business management. She is happy and excited. So, are the other students. A dark-eyed girl who is next to Jane is a bit nervous. Jane starts the conversation. This is what they talk about.


Jane: Hi! My name is Jane Fosters, what’s yours?

The girl: I’m Dolores Clara Santes. Nice to meet you.

Jane: Where are you from, Dolores?

Dolores: Spain, Barcelona.

Jane: Oh, you are not British, but your English is perfect. You don’t have any accent.

Dolores: My ma is English, but my dad is Spanish.

Jane: Oh, I see. My both parents are British and I’m from Glasgow. It’s a big city in the South of Scotland. I have many friends there. Have you got any brothers or sisters, Dolores?

Dolores: Unfortunately, I haven’t. I’m the only child in the family. What about you?

Jane: I have got two brothers and two sisters. Our family is large enough.


Exercise 1. You have read the text and the dialogue. Now answer the questions to the text.

1. What date is it?

2. Why are there many students in the hall?

3. What is the name of the department where Jane is?


Exercise 2. Describe your first day at the Institute using the expressions:

first-year students; a student of the department of economics and business management; to be nervous; to be excited; to be happy.


Exercise 3. Speak to each other. Ask about: the name, place of birth, family (use the vocabulary of the dialogue).



Exercise 4. Say some sentences about: 1) Jane; 2) Dolores.

Pattern for talk:

Jane is a first-year student of the faculty of …..

She’s from …..

Her parents are..…

She has got …...



This is the first lecture that the first-year students have. The lecturer is Mr. Bob Forsyte. He is young, blond, tall and good-looking. His lecture is about the types of economics and the economy role for the state.

His lecture is interesting. There are many illustrations, figures and drawings in it. He is a witty man and some of his examples are full of humour.

After the lecture there is a discussion. The students are active, they have got many questions.


Exercise 5. Say some words: a) about the teacher;

b) about his lectures.


Exercise 6. Choose the proper word to fill in the blank:

(only; management; excited; business; different; happy; perfect; brothers).

1. There are …. faculties at the University.

2. She speaks.… English.

3. Jane has got …..

4. …. and …. are the economic subjects.

5. When I visited England for the first time I was …. and …..

6. My friend is the …. child in the family.


Exercise 7. So you have learnt some words. Be sure you know them: translate the given Russian words into English.

Занятие (учёба); быть счастливым; факультет; нервничать; разный;

отличный (очень хороший); студент-первокурсник; родители;

быть взволнованным; Испания; говорить; управление и бизнес; единственный.


Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. В зале много студентов и преподавателей.

2. Это факультет управления бизнесом.

3. Студенты-первокурсники возбуждены и взволнованы.

4. Они говорят на прекрасном английском.

5.Так приятно познакомиться с тобой.

6.Они - англичане, но в нашем институте есть студенты из Испании.

7. Ты единственный ребёнок в семье?

8. У тебя большая семья?


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