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$$$ 1

Choose the correct answer:

What is the official name of Great Britain?

A. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

B. The United Kingdom

C. Great Britain and Northern Ireland

D. England

E. Scotland


$$$ 2

Choose the correct answer:

The capital of Scotland is....

A. London.
B. Manchester.
C. Edinburgh.
D. Birmingham.
E. New York.


$$$ 3

Choose the correct answer:

The capital of Northern Ireland is....

A. Edinburgh
B. Belfast.
C. Cardiff.
D. Birmingham.
E. Dublin.


$$$ 4

Choose the correct answer:

The greatest river of Great Britain are....

A. the Thames and Severn.
B. the Colorado, the Columbia.
C. the Mississippi, the Potomac.
D. the Gulf of Mexico.
E. Audson and Missouri.


$$$ 5

Choose the correct answer:

Who is the head of the state in Britain?:

A. Mayor.
B. Prime Minister.
C. Queen.
D. Speaker.
E. Senator.


$$$ 6

Choose the correct answer:

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary...

A. republic.
B. monarchy.
C. empire.
D. colony.
E. region.

$$$ 7

Choose the correct answer:

The capital of Wales is...:

A. Edinburgh.
B. London.
C. Cardiff.
D. Lee.
E. Belfast.



$$$ 8

Choose the correct answer:

Where is the highest mountain in Great Britain?

A. Scotland.
B. Wales.

C. England.
D. Northern Ireland.
E. Edinburgh.


$$$ 9

Choose the correct answer:

London stands on the river …

A. Severn.
B. Thames.
C. Mersey.
D. Blade.
E. Colorado.


$$$ 10

Choose the correct answer:

What is “Big Ben”?:

A. University.
B. Museum.
C. Exhibition.
D. Clock Tower
E. Tower.


$$$ 11

Choose the correct answer:

The capital of the USA is...:

A. Washington.
B. New York.
C. Boston.
D. Philadelphia.
E. London.


$$$ 12

Choose the correct answer:

The British Parliament consist of the House of Commons and...:

A. the House of Lords
B. Representatives
C. Senate
D. Mazhilis
E. Duma


$$$ 13

Choose the correct answer:

The native Americans are...:

A. the British.
B. the Dutch.
C. Indians.
D. the French.
E. the Russian.


$$$ 14

Choose the correct answer:

What part of London do the rich people live?

A. in the West End

B. in the East End

C. in the South End

D. in the North End

E. in the City


$$$ 15

Choose the correct answer:

The USA is situated …

A. Europe

B. In the north of North American continent

C. In the south of North American continent

D. In the central part of North American continent

E. Asia



$$$ 16

Choose the correct answer:

Which river is the longest in the USA?

A. Arkansas

B. Mississippi

C. Colorado

D. Thames

E. Severn


$$$ 17

Choose the correct answer:

Which river is the longest in the United Kingdom?

A. Thames

B. Severn

C. Clyde

D. Trent

E. Mississippi


$$$ 18

Choose the correct answer:

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus…







$$$ 19

Choose the correct answer:

… is situated on the British Isles.

A. Mexico

B. Indonesia

C. Philadelphia

D. Australia

E. The United Kingdom of Great British and Northern Ireland


$$$ 20

Choose the correct answer:

The national flag of Great Britain is called …:

A. Union Jack

B. Cenotaph

C. Christopher Wren

D. Admiral Nelson

E. Big Ben



$$$ 21

Choose the correct answer:

What is the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

A. New York

B. Moscow

C. London

D. San Francisco

E. Astana


$$$ 22

Choose the correct answer:

Who was the first president of the USA?

A. John Kennedy

B. Grover Cleveland

C. Theodore Roosvelt

D. George Washington

E. Abraham Lincoln


$$$ 23

Choose the correct answer:

The Statue of Liberty is in …

A. California

B. Washington

C. Cambridge

D. New York

E. Chicago


$$$ 24

Choose the correct answer:

What is Buckingham Palace?

A. Clock Tower

B. Queen’s residence

C. Square

D. Park

E. Theatre


$$$ 25

Choose the correct answer:

The UK can be divided into 4 parts:

A. Australia, England, Wales and Scotland.

B. Sweden, England, Wales and Scotland

C. Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland

D. Scotland, Greenland, Wales and Northern Ireland

E. California, Scotland, England and Wales


$$$ 26

Choose the correct answer:

The capital of Great Britain is …

A. London

B. Manchester

C. Birmingham

D. Oslo

E. Paris


$$$ 27

Semey was founded in…







$$$ 28

All English kings and queens have been crowned in…

A.Westminster Abbey

B.Old Bailey

C.National Gallery

D.British Museum

E.Tower of London


$$$ 29

New York is divided into…

A.5 boroughs

B.4 boroughs

C.3 boroughs

D.1 boroughs

E.9 boroughs


$$$ 30

Who is the first president of Kazakhstan…

A.K. Tokaev

B.N. Nazarbaev

C.K. Masimov

D.D. Akhmetov

E.G. Karibjanov



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