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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Choose the best answer

1. He was so tired that he ______ asleep in the chair.

A) fell

B) were

C) go

D) became

E) lost
$$$ 29

Choose the correct answer.
The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too ______.

A) sleep

B) deep

C) high

D) low

E) write
$$$ 30

Choose the correct answer.
The shirt I wore that day was torn but I don`t think anyone _______.

A) slept

B) noticed

C) mentioned

D) studied

E) learned
$$$ 31

Choose the correct answer.
She has to work hard to keep the house ____ and tidy with three small children.

A) neat

B) worse

C) the worst

D) bad

E) fast
$$$ 32

Choose the correct answer.
He is a little bit... in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.

A) dead

B) danger

C) deaf

D) disabled

E) best
$$$ 33

Choose the correct answer.
I`m not sure... the green coat is.

A) whom

B) whose

C) who

D) who`s

E) which

$$$ 34

Choose the correct answer.
If you have any... concerning this report, please phone the Office.

A) wish
B) clean
C) want
D) queries
E) say

$$$ 35

Choose the correct answer.

A shop _____ is someone who steals from shops and stores.

A) carrier
B) lifter
C) picker
D) thief
E) writer


$$$ 36

Choose the correct answer.

Sales staff are often told that "the _____ is always right".

A) dealer
B) employee
C) customer
D) stockist
E) writer
$$$ 37

Choose the correct answer.
Remember the customer is always right. You must always be _____.

A) discreet
B) harsh
C) polite
D) rough
E) loud
$$$ 38

Choose the correct answer.
Your baby is so cute. He is ___.

A) adorable
B) filthy
C) cautious
D) dim

E) fast

$$$ 39

Choose the correct answer.
The weather is not calm and peaceful. It's thundery and ___.

A) quiet
B) stormy
C) private
D) weak

E) fast

$$$ 40

Choose the correct sentence:

A) What are you do?

B) What do you do?

C) what is you do?

D) What are he do?

E) What are we do?


$$$ 41

Find the right antonym “Happiness”

A) knowledge

B) hate

C) love

D) sadness

E) information


$$$ 42

Find the right antonym “long”

A) good

B) high

C) short

D) advice

E) news


$$$ 43

Find the right antonym “ find”

A) lose

B) be

C) have

D) see

E) change


$$$ 44

Find the right antonym “ close”

A) play

B) open

C) spend

D) go

E) get


$$$ 45

Find the right antonym “friend”

A) friendship

B) enemy

C) healthy

D) fire

E) company


$$$ 46

Find the right English equivalent for this word:

качество \ сапа

A) quality

B) quarrel

C) question

D) quarter

E) quantity


$$$ 47

Find the right English equivalent for this word:

Запрещать\ тиым салу

A) forbid

B) forgive

C) forget

D) foretell

E) forgetful


$$$ 48

What is the opposite of the word “black”?

a) beautiful

b) white

c) young

d) interesting

e) old


$$$ 49

What is the opposite of the word “cold”?

a) dark

b) hot

c) short

d) coal

e) old


$$$ 50

What is the opposite of the word “far”?

A) near

B) fat

C) slim

D) light

E) best


$$$ 51

What is the opposite of the word “stand”?

A) come

B) sit

C) go out

D) lose

E) lend


$$$ 52

Find the word semantically close to the word “insect”

A) cat

B) dog

C) man

D) ant

E) shop


$$$ 53

Find the word semantically close to the word “animal”

A) tiger

B) apple

C) ant

D) man

E) table


$$$ 54

Find the synonym to the word “well-known ”

A) action

B) novel

C) famous

D) hero

E) change


$$$ 55

Find the right English equivalent for this word combination:

Кататься на лодке \ қайықпен қыдыру

A) to go boating

B) to go skiing

C) to go skating

D) to go playing

E) to go to the seaside


$$$ 56

Find the right English equivalent for this word combination:

Пропускать занятия \ сабақ босату

A) to miss classes

B) to attend classes

C) to enter college

D) to assess a student

E) to take an exam


$$$ 57

Translate into English:

Древний \ ежелгі

A) ancient

B) modern

C) empty

D) noisy

E) huge


$$$ 58

Translate into English:


A) class

B) term

C) exam

D) mark

E) dean


$$$ 59

Translate into English:

Окружающая среда \ қоршаған орта

A) global warming

B) the ozone layer

C) power station

D) flooding

E) the environment


$$$ 60

Translate into English:

Быть опытным \ тәжірибелі болу

A) to be experienced

B) to hold a position

C) vacancy

D) to be on leave

E) insurance


$$$ 61

Give the synonym to the following word:


A) city

B) street

C) Land

D) town

E) customer


$$$ 62

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to begin – begin - begin

B) to begin – began - begun

C) began- beginning - begun

D) begann – begin - begun

E) begin – begun- begin


$$$ 63

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to choose – chose - chosen

B) to choose – choose - choose

C) to choose – choosen - chosen

D) to chose – chose - chose

E) to choosen – choses – chosen


$$$ 64

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to cut – cat - cat

B) to cat – cat - cat

C) to cut – cut - cat

D) to cat – cut - cat

E) to cut – cut – cut


$$$ 65

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to eat – ate - eaten

B) to ate – ate - ate

C) to eat – eat - eat

D) to eaten – eat - eaten

E) to eat – eat – ate


$$$ 66

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to forget – forgot - forgotten

B) to forget – forget - forget

C) to forget – forget - forgotton

D) to forgot – forgot - forgot

E) to forget – forgotten – forgotten


$$$ 67

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to run – ran - ran

B) to run – run - run

C) to run – ran - run

D) to ran – ran - ran

E) to run – run – ran


$$$ 68

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) slept – slept - slept

B) to sleep – slept - slept

C) to sleep – sleep - sleep

D) to sleep – sleep - slept

E) to slept – sleep – sleeping


$$$ 69

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to take – take - take

B) to take – took - took

C) to taken – taken - taken

D) to take – took - taken

E) to take – taken – took


$$$ 70

Give three forms of the following irregular verb:


A) to hold – hold - held

B) to held – held – held

C) hold – hold - hold

D) to held – hold - holden

E) to hold – held – held



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