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During the conference

Review the latest program and finalize your choices for each day. Be sure to check for changes in time and location. Coordinate with colleagues who may be attending other sessions.

Generally, I recommend sitting toward the back of the room during sessions. If a session doesn't look like it is going to give you what you want, you can leave and go on to your second choice. Be sure to take notes on ideas you can use.

While attending sessions is important, most experienced conference-goers know that much of the action lies not in the talks themselves but in the hallways, at dinners, and in informal seminars. Here are some things to do outside the formal sessions:

· Seek out the people you have written to prior to the conference and ask them to meet you later for coffee or a meal. Do the same with presenters after their talks.

· Check the program to see if there are recent alumni from your institution with whom you can make contact, seek information, and share experiences.

· Talk to others about new directions developing in your field and find out about emerging leaders who might be attending. Keep your eye out for colleagues who might review your work, collaborate with you, and help you with future connections.

· Pay particular attention to informal conversations, and note who is talking to whom and what kinds of alliances are being formed.

· Talk about your research interests every chance you get via your "elevator", "hallway", or "office" talks. At the same time, be sure to listen to others as well. You'll learn more this way, and people will feel that your conversations are a two-way street.

· Finally, find a good place to keep the business cards you collect. At the time you are given such cards, note the circumstances of your meeting and how you plan to follow up. Don't rely on your memory to help you do this later.

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