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Most commonly, scientific meetings are hosted by

(a) government science organizations.

(b) agencies that fund scientific research.

(c) scientific societies.

(d) individual scientists.


3. Which of the following is NOT likely to be a reason a scientist would attend a meeting?

(a) to develop a new research direction

(b) to get funding for new research

(c) to disseminate their research finding to a wide audience

(d) to learn about a new technique they would like to use


4. A scientist has some work-in-progress that she would like to get feedback on. She is planning on attending a scientific meeting. Which of the following do you think would be her primary strategy to get feedback?

(a) The scientist should give a short oral presentation.



(b) The scientist should try to catch other scientists in the halls of the meeting.

(c) The scientist should not attend the meeting without definitive results.

(d) The scientist should give a poster presentation.


5. The media are often in attendance at large scientific meetings.

(a) true (b) false


6. There is no reason for students to attend scientific meetings.

(a) true (b) false


Task 5. Match the words in English with their equivalents in Russian:

1. chairman of the committee 2. topic for discussion 3. general theme 4. workshop 5. teach-in 6. feedback 7. peer review 8. to submit 9. to refine 10. to focus a) совершенствовать b) школа-семинар c) представлять на рассмотрение d) семинар e) сосредоточиться f) отклик g) общая (основная) тема h) председатель комитета i) тема для обсуждений j) рецензия


Task 6. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. In addition, meetings allow researchers to hear about what others in their field and related disciplines are doing, talk with colleagues from different institutions around the world, and learn about new research, tools, and techniques that might be relevant to their work.

2. This method stands in stark contrast to the Aristotelian process, known as deductive reasoning, in which reason was used instead of observation to determine explanations.

3. Professional societies play a critical role in fostering scientific progress.

4. The fellows paid annual dues and met weekly to conduct scientific research largely through experiments or descriptive methods.

5. Early meetings remained small and local for about 200 years, since transportation was difficult and costly, but larger meetings began to proliferate (along with scientific societies) in the mid-1800s.

6. Regardless of the size of the meeting, the main goal is to bring a community of scientists together and provide opportunities for them to interact.


Task 7. A. Look through the words in italics and translate them if you don’t know their meaning ‑ look them up in the dictionary

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