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Look through the helpful tips for a successful face-to-face form of communication and write down headings to each of the tips.

1. _________________________________

Face-to-face communication helps to make personal connections in business and will help to sell a product or a service to the customer. As during the face-to-face communication your tone, pitch, and body language is observed by your partner, this kind of interaction can greatly contribute to your business relations or, if wrongly used, may worsen them. Information is easier to access and delivered immediately with face-to-face interactions rather than waiting for an email or phone call. Conflicts are also easily resolved this way, as verbal and non-verbal cues are observed and acted upon.

2. ___________________________________

While communicating face-to-face professionally partners are representing their companies. That is why speaking clearly and asking questions to understand the needs and wants, letting the recipient respond to resolving of the issue are very important ingredients of the face-to-face communication. Decisions are made more confidently during a face-to-face interaction as the recipient asks questions to understand and move forward to their decision.

3. ___________________________________


Usually face-to-face communication takes place in the form of meetings, negotiations and discussions of different kinds. There are, however, additional formalities one must learn to assure that he is viewed as a pleasant and cultivated professional in face-to-face communication. An individual who exhibits politeness and decorum is often rewarded with success in his professional field.


4. __________________________________

Perhaps the easiest way to exhibit professionalism is to be consistently punctual. On a daily basis, one must arrive at the office on time, ready for work. This action alone speaks volumes to both managers and peers, demonstrating the individual’s seriousness regarding his or her work. The same concerns face-to-face communication. So one of the first things we should think about while communicating face-to-face is promptness. We are to be prompt when meeting with others: supervisors, clients and prospective employers. We should not make our partners wait at the expense of their own promptness to the next appointment. A professional who is late for appointments gives the impression that he does not respect the value of other people’s time.

In addition to arriving on time, face-to-face business etiquette dictates that an individual must be prepared to conduct the business at hand. One must have all resources and documents ready for use. Failure to do so makes the employee appear sloppy and unprofessional.


5. ___________________________________


The appearance in the face-to-face business communication is also of great importance. An individual who wishes to be taken seriously in the work place must dress appropriately for his environment. For example, in the office culture a male is to be dressed in formal business attire, he must wear a jacket and tie at all times. On the other hand, if his industry dictates a t-shirt and jeans, he would look pretty silly dressed in a tuxedo. By wearing appropriate attire for his line of business, a person ensures that everyone he comes in contact with will take him seriously.

6. ____________________________________

An individual’s attitude and deportment exhibit more about his seriousness than his wardrobe does. While leading face-to-face business communication the excessive use of slang, profanity and other offensive language is an immediate sign of unprofessionalism. Additionally, the spreading of gossip and communication of private or confidential information does not win the speaker points with colleagues and customers and is considered as non-observing rules of decorum.



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