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Organizing Your Portfolio


  • You should keep your portfolio in a professional three-ring binder.
  • Come up with an organizational system of categories to put your items together. Sample categories are as follows: Work Experience, Education, Awards and Certificates, Special Skills, Personal Accomplishments, Background. Use tabs or dividers to separate various categories.
  • Your portfolio should be no more than 25 pages. The shorter it is the better because an employer will only really absorb 6-10 samples.
  • Every page should have a title, a concise caption, and artifact. Captions should explain the process you went through and the resulting benefits. Use the same type of action verbs as you use in a résumé.
  • Photocopy full-page samples to a smaller size, if needed.
  • Make the layout and design consistent, and don't get overly decorative—keep it clean and use lots of white space.
  • You may also consider including CD with samples of your work. An on-line portfolio is another option.
  • Once you have put together your portfolio, you should create a title page, table of contents, and introduction. The introduction is your opportunity to tie together your portfolio contents and summarize your qualifications.


1. acumen (e xtensive experience in dealing with commercial matters that yields a prompt and appropriate response to issues that typically have a favorable outcome. One of the best characteristics to look for in a senior executive is well developed business acumen that typically comes from the combination of experience and having the innate mental agility needed to deal quickly with business situations as they arise )  -проницательность, сообразительность; острота ума

business acumen -деловая хватка

demonstrate / display acumen -проявить смекалку, сообразительность

legal acumen- юридическая проницательность

political acumen - политический инстинкт

2. articulation ( the way in which you express your feelings and ideas) – словесное выражение, формулировка

articulate lawyer – юрист, умеющий хорошо излагать свои мысли, красноречивый

articulate one’s ideas – ясно изложить свои мысли

3. business (a n organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money) – коммерческое предприятие, фирма, коммерческая деятельность, бизнес

business contacts – деловые контакты

business of the day – повестка дня

business undertaking – коммерческое предприятие

run a business – управлять компанией

4. credentials ( documents that state the abilities and experience of a person and show that the person is qualified for a particular job or activity) - нечто, дающее человеку право заниматься тем или иным родом деятельности

academic credentials — успехи в учебе; успеваемость; успехи, достижения в научно-исследовательской деятельности, научные степени, академические регалии

professional credentials — профессиональные достижения; профессиональная репутация

5. in-house lawyer ( a lawyer employed by a business to work in house on its legal matters)- коммерческий юрист, штатный юрист компании

in-house counsel (син.) – корпоративный юрист

6. interview (a formal discussion between a hirer and an applicant or candidate, typically in person, in which information is exchanged, with the intention of establishing the applicant’s suitability for a position)- собеседование

an interviewer – человек, ведущий собеседование

an interviewee – человек, который проходит собеседование

conduct (hold) an interview – проводить собеседование

pass an interview – успешно пройти собеседование

7. management (the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives ) - управление, заведование; менеджмент; руководство; администрирование

effective management — действенное руководство

8. occupation (a person’s job or a regular activity or hobby) - занятие, род или вид деятельности, профессия

profitable / rewarding occupation - доходная профессия

gainful occupation - прибыльное дело, доходное занятие

9. persuasiveness (the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty) – убедительность

persuasive arguments –убедительные аргументы

persuasive speech – убедительная речь

persuasive advocate – защитник, обладающий даром убеждения

10. portfolio – 1. (a collection of investments all owned by the same individual or organization) – портфель, папка, дело; 2. In educational process - a compilation of student work assembled for the purpose of (1) evaluating coursework quality and academic achievement, (2) creating a lasting archive of academic work products, and (3) determining whether students have met learning standards or academic requirements for courses, grade-level promotion, and graduation – метод-портфолио

11. resume /ˈrezə`meɪ/ (formal presentation of the job applicant’s education, work and experience; syn.; CV, curriculum vitae) – краткие анкетные данные, резюме

12. skill (an ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carry out complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills) – умение, мастерство.

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