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Investing in the Youth: Kazakhstan’s Experience

It is no secret that investing in human capital is a significant factor for sustainable economic growth. To be precise, qualified human resources have an impact on a country’s scientific and technical progress, which in the opinion of many economists is the sole condition of steady welfare improvement.

Understanding the issue of investing and all its details gives the state a powerful incentive for economic development. Economic investment in the youth is not so different from investing in any other asset. The state can also count on receiving returns for its investment in the future, and for the youth. This investment will increase opportunities in the society.

From this point of view, the best instrument is to give proper education that provides a foundation to the younger generation for future performance. Kazakhstan’s experience of work with the youth in this direction demonstrates understanding of all patterns of this process.

Kazakhstan made its first step in the sphere of higher education on the initiative of the Head of the State, Nursultan Nazarbaev; adopting the “Bolashak” program in 1993, which gave the youth an opportunity to study in leading educational institutions worldwide and apply the knowledge obtained for the welfare of the state. The scale, uniqueness and the great socio-economic effect of the program created a positive image for Kazakhstan in the eyes of the world. We clearly understand that quality education has to be built from the primary school level. Intellectual schools of the First President have also become an important part of the country’s educational system: they absorbed the best world experience and created their own educational model that is distinctly different from the rest ones. The main goal of these schools is to prepare competitive managers for various areas. Today’s graduates of the intellectual schools can be rightfully considered future state leaders.

The Nazarbaev University is focused on the support of the reforms in the Republic. The University’s goal is to become an educational institution with a strong, modern scientific infrastructure, targeted to carry out innovative activities. The University engages the best national and international researchers, providing them with all the necessary conditions for creative work. Today education is the cornerstone of our country’s policy-making as it offers an in-depth understanding of the global picture.

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