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Give the summary of the text “Democracy values”. Make use of the active vocabulary

37. Make phrases matching lines in both columns:

former dynamic worldwide unique legitimate research natural durable claim freedom artifact democracy phenomenon regime democracy organization

38. Study the words. Remember their meanings, synonyms and derivatives if there are any:

1. core - 1. 1) центр; сердцевина; Syn: centre; 2) сердцевина, ядро плода; ядро небесного тела; Syn: heart; 3) глубинная, внутренняя, сокровенная часть; суть, сущность; Syn: gist, essence, heart; 4) активная зона реактора;

2. основной, центральный; Syn: essential, central, basic, fundamental. Derivatives: corer.

2. legal - 1) правовой, юридический; судебный; Syn: lawful, juridical, juristic; 2) законный, узаконенный, легальный; Derivatives: legally.

3. concept – 1. понятие, идея, общее представление; концепция; Syn: idea, notion;

4. implement - 1) выполнять, осуществлять; обеспечивать выполнение, приводить в исполнение; Syn: perform, fulfil, complete, carry out, accomplish, execute; 2) снабжать, обеспечивать инструментами;

2. 1) инструмент, прибор; орудие, средство; Syn: tool, instrument; 2) (pl.) принадлежности, утварь; Syn: инвентарь utensil, device, appliance; Derivatives: implementation, implementer.

5. hinder – 1. (v.)1) задерживать, затруднять; мешать, препятствовать чему-либо; Syn: encumber, prevent, prohibit; 2) быть помехой в чём-либо; Syn: hamper, impede, obstruct; Ant: encourage, impel, quicken, spur.

2. hinder (adj.) – задний; Syn: back, rear. (Notice the difference in pronunciation between the verb and the adjective)

39. Translate into Russian:

1. Drivers who have more than the legal limit of alcohol must be seriously punished. 2. What I did was perfectly legal. 3. He claimed that it had all been legal. 4. Structuralism is a difficult concept. 5. She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. 6. The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions. 7. If you implement something such as a plan, you ensure that what has been planned is done. 8. The report sets out strict inspection procedures to ensure that the recommendations are properly implemented. 9. High winds hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze. 10. Very little has been achieved in the implementation of the peace agreement signed last January.

40. Check your partner’s knowledge:

in the core of the city в самом сердце города
core team / group постоянная (рабочая) группа
honest to the core искренний до глубины души
the core of her beliefs суть её убеждений
core of experts постоянная группа экспертов
core curriculum основной курс обучения
core time основная часть рабочего дня
core assets профильные активы компании

41. Check your partner’s knowledge:

in core в компании, совместно
an apple core сердцевина яблока
a legal requirement законное требование
legal advice совет юриста
legal system законодательство
legal profession профессия юриста
legal aid bureau юридическая консультация
legal capacity право - дееспособность
the concept of justice идея справедливости
basic legal concepts основные правовые понятия
writing implements письменные принадлежности

42. Use sentences of your own with the words:

legal / legally / implement / hinder / core / concept

43. Match lines in both columns to make phrases:

totalitarian democratic extraordinary remarkable unprecedented democratic dynamic liberal human annual political civil era survey degree government systems democracies aspirations changes regime reform liberties freedom

44. Express the same idea in one word: core, legal, concept, implements, hinder.

the tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds  
an abstract idea  
tools, utensils that are used for a particular purpose  
appointed / required / permitted by law  
recognized by common or statute law  
the dense central region of a planet  
an idea/mental image which corresponds to some distinct entity or class of entities  
an unchanging group of people forming the central part of a larger body  
make it difficult for someone to do something  

45. Agree or disagree with the statements:

1. Broad guidelines are useful, but there are no specific solutions that suit every country.

2. Each country must examine and recognize its own unique fingerprint, and design solutions to solve its own problems. This task can not be outsourced.

3. A liberal democracy is the only known system that can facilitate peaceful leadership or regime change.

4. Countries that are not democratic, that are governed by dictators are hard and brittle; they can break down in violence under the pressure for change.

45. Use topical vocabulary while speaking on:

a).The pillars of democracy;

b) Advantages and disadvantages of living in a democratic



1. Study the new words and their definitions, translate the examples:

1. auction – a public sale of property to whomever offers the highest price.

They held an auction and sold all of their possessions in one day.

2. bankrupt – unable to pay one’s debts when they are due.

One of the company officials bankrupted the company by embezzling most of its funds.

3. deficit – an excess of spending compared to income.

Many members of Parliament do not approve of proposed budget because it will result in a deficit.

4. dividend – a sum or fund to be divided and distributed.

The company has paid large dividends to its investors for the past three years.

5. foreclosure – a legal procedure that permits a credit institution, such as a bank, to take possession of something bought on credit (usually a property or building) because credit payments were not adequately made.

There have been several foreclosures on farms this year because of the lack of rain.

6. forfeit – to lose, to lose the right to, by some error, offense, or crime.

He forfeited his right to vacation time by coming in late on so many days.

7. outlay – the amount of money spent.

We hope that our profit will cover our initial outlay within the first six months.

8. overdue – unpaid when due, delayed beyond an appointed time.

The telephone bill is already a week overdue; I should have paid it last Wednesday.

9. pawn – to deposit an item as security for a debt.

When I needed money, I went into the local pawnshop and pawned my grandfather’s watch.

10. revenue – the total income produced by a given source.

The government hopes that tax revenues will rise as the incomes of the people rise.

11. share – any of the equal portions into which property or invested capital is divided.

My father owns five hundred shares of stock in that company.

12. solvent – able to pay all legal debts.

They will have to cut the workers’ wages in order to stay solvent.

13. speculate – to buy or sell in expectation of profiting from changes in the market.

You could lose a lot of money if you speculate without knowing exactly how the stock market works.

14. thrifty – practicing economy and good management.

She is very thrifty; she rarely wastes anything.

15. vouch for – to give a guarantee.

My parents had to vouch for my car loan because my income is low.

16. voucher – a document record of a business deal.

Be sure to turn in your vouchers when you return from each business trip.

2. Translate into Russian:

1. If that store goes out of business, all of its goods will be auctioned off. 2. The auctioned goods brought in over $5000. 3. That company has filed for bankruptcy with the court, if it owes you money, you may not be paid.4. If the bank forecloses on our loan, it will auction off our house. 5. The rental contract requires forfeiture of our deposit if the car is not in good condition when we return it. 6. The pawned articles can be reclaimed by presenting the pawn ticket to the pawnbroker and paying him back the borrowed money. 7. The company will outlay enough money to put a deposit on the equipment. 8. All of the shareholders are invited to a meeting twice a year to vote on company policies. 9. The solvency of that company is in question; some people think that it will go bankrupt soon. 10. If they are really insolvent, they will be forced to declare bankruptcy. 11. We admired their thriftiness in reusing all of the paper bags. 12. Buying those shares of that new company was pure speculation on his part; he had no way of knowing that their value would increase so much. 13. I can vouch for his honesty; he has worked for me for ten years.

3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. A business that goes bankrupt is insolvent. 2. People want to get dividends. 3. An auction is a private sale. 4. A thrifty person saves money. 5. If you spend too much, you will have a deficit. 6. You should not vouch for a person unless you absolutely trust him. 7. Wealthy people often pawn their possessions. 8. If you start a business, you want a large outlay. 9. When you forfeit something, you lose it. 10. Each shareholder of a company owns part of it.

4. Answer each question using active vocabulary:

1. What documents, actions or words show proof of a business deal? 2. Where can you obtain money in exchange for one of your possessions? 3. What kind of a sale does not have fixed prices? 4. What will the bank do if you do not make your loan payments on time? 5. Who buys and sells in hopes of making a profit? 6. What do shareholders own? 7. What does a government have if it spends more than it takes in? 8. What are taxes for the government? 9. What is a bill that you should have paid by yesterday but didn’t pay? 10. What are you if you cannot pay your bills?

5. Cross out the word or phrase that is least related in meaning:

1. outlay late overdue

2. forfeit give up speculate

3. bankrupt insolvent thrifty

4. foreclose guarantee vouch for

5. share deficit portion

6. pawned thrifty economical

7. sale auction voucher

6. Answer the following questions:

1. Are banks permitted to foreclose on overdue loans? 2. Have you ever pawned anything? 3. Do you consider yourself to be a thrifty person? 4. What can happen if a country has a budget deficit? 5. Which of your friends or relatives would you be willing to vouch for? 6. Have you ever bought anything at an auction? 7. Why should a country have laws concerning bankruptcy proceedings?

7. Fill in the blanks with one of the active words:

1. She is known for her ___ because she gets by on very little money each month. 2. She ___ some of her jewelry in order to get enough money for her ticket. 3. As a(n) ___ in this company, you can participate in a small way in the running of the company. 4. He is constantly buying and selling shares of various companies because he is a(n) ___. 5. The bank will ___ on that property soon if they do not make some payments on their loan. 6. Many people go to ___ to get bargains on old furniture. 7. I can ___ her honesty; she has worked in our bank for over twenty years and we trust her completely. 8. If your phone bill is ___, the phone company may disconnect your service. 9. Our ___ for this project was so large that we had to take in a lot of money before we were able to show a profit. 10. That company often pays large ___ to its shareholders.

8. Match a word with its synonym in another column:

1. bankrupt 2. deal 3. greed 4. jewel 5. pay 6. poor 7. save 8. thrifty 9. trade a) avarice b) broke c) gem d) defray e) transaction f) indigent, needy g) frugal h) put aside / away i) barter, swap

9. Cross out the word or phrase that is least related in meaning:

1. put on put away put aside

2. greed avarice gem

3. broke frugal bankrupt

4. needy defray indigent

5. put aside swap barter

6. deal transaction gem

10. Write the key word for each set of words:

1. needy impoverished ____

2. swap barter ____

3. put aside put away ____

4. indigent impoverished ____

11. Give the key word that corresponds to each italicized word:

1. That gem is worth a lot of money.2. The transaction was a successful one. 3. The company went broke. 4. His avarice is such that he is never satisfied. 5. Being frugal has its rewards. 6. My insurance will defray the cost of a rental car. 7. The fund will help the needy. 8. The people in that community barter for the goods they need.

12. Fill in the gaps with one of the active words:

My first business went (1) ___ after only two years. I just was not able to do enough business to avoid insolvency. It was a very sad day in my life when the bank (2) ___ on my mortgage and ordered me to (3) ___ all of my business assets in order to pay as much of the debt as I could.

While I am not an anxious person, I was determined that

I would never go broke again. I wanted to open another business as soon as possible, but I knew it would take some time for me to put aside enough money for the initial (4) ___ of opening a new business.

Finally I decided that this time I could not do it alone; instead, I would find partners to invest in my next business venture. Of course, it was difficult to find investors who could be convinced to (5) ___ on my chance for success. However, eventually I found several people who were willing to gamble on my dreams of success. They became (6) ___ in the company in the hope of receiving large (7) ___ when the business began to make a profit. I would rather have begun the company by myself, but it was necessary to (8) ___ some of the control of the business in order to get enough capital to get it started.

13. Answer the following questions:

1. Are there government programs to aid the indigent in your country? 2. Is anyone defraying the cost of your education for you? 3. Who is the most frugal person that you know? 4. Do you find it easy to put away money? 5. Which type of gem do you feel is the most beautiful? Do certain gems traditionally have particular significance in your country? 6. What types of things are bartered in your country? 7. Name someone who you think suffers from avarice. 8. Where do the most needy people in your town or city live?

14. Paraphrase the sentences using active vocabulary:

1. She wore a necklace with several gems in it. 2. She went broke when her business failed. 3. He is busy working on an important business transaction right now. 4. Pure avarice led him to embezzle the money. 5. The company will defray the costs of our trip. 6. Some indigent people in this city are living in the streets. 7. The family was left impoverished when the father committed suicide. 8. Needy people can receive help from the government. 9. When you have a good job, you should put aside money for times when finding work may be difficult. 10. I put away enough money over the past year to take off work for two months and travel. 11. Her lifestyle is very frugal; she rarely spends much money. 12. Long ago, people often bartered for the things that they needed; nowadays, most people use cash or credit.

15. Check your partner’s knowledge:

статус status
получить статус get a status
правовой (законный) статус legal status
достичь статуса achieve a status
статус замужней женщины coverture status
статус безработного unemployed status
особый статус a special status
социальный статус social status
официально признанный статус officially designated status
признание статуса recognition of the status
приобретение статуса acquisition of the status
потерять статус to lose a status

16. State whether the sentences are true or false:

1. Indigent people often do not have good clothing. 2. You need money to barter. 3. People like to be broke. 4. Robbers will steal gems if they can. 5. Thrifty people put aside money for the future. 6. Avaricious people usually give away a lot of money. 7. A frugal person is usually careful about spending money. 8. Bankers try to avoid financial transactions.

17. Read the text:

Republic Day

25th October 1990 – the Republic Day is a special date for citizens of Kazakhstan that symbolizes the end of the epoch of Kazakh SSR and the dawning of a newly independent state – the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The adoption on October 25, 1990 of the “Declaration on State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by the supreme representative body of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was a turning point in Kazakhstan’s first official act paving the way towards national independence.

A Declaration of Independence is a judicial and political document that states the independence and sovereignty of a given country. As a rule, afterwards the declaration becomes a milestone of the constitution of the newly established independent state.

The “Declaration on State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” stated the principal provisions determining the legal status of Kazakhstan and the scope framework of power in the spheres of legislation, economy and culture. According to the Declaration, Kazakhstan is a sovereign state that voluntarily unites with other republics of the Soviet Union and establishes relations with them on the basis of agreement. Furthermore, the revival and development of the Kazakh nation and other nationalities living in Kazakhstan were paramount tasks of Kazakh statehood.

The declaration of Independence recognized Kazakhstan’s citizens as the only bearers of sovereignty and source of state power that can exercise that power directly as well as through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution. Another fundamentally important provision of the Declaration was that of Kazakhstan’s sovereign right to suspend on its territory the action of the laws and other acts of the Union’s supreme bodies.

There were provisions in the Declaration that marked the beginning of a new economic era – that of an independent and free market economy. The document stated that the land, its interior, waters, air space, flora and fauna, other natural resources, the people’s cultural and historical values, as well as the economic, scientific and technical potential of the whole national wealth within the territory of Kazakhstan would be proclaimed as being the Republic’s exclusive property. Thus Kazakhstan’s economy was detached from the Soviet Union. It was the first time that different property relations were legally fixed; the equality and protection of all property relations were guaranteed.

The Declaration of Independence also recognized equality of citizens in the proposed liberal-democratic position of the newly independent state. According to the document, the multinational people of Kazakhstan represent the basis of the state. The Declaration stated that the country possessed the right to act as an independent subject of international relations, determine its foreign policy in its own interests, exchange diplomatic and consular representatives, participate in international organizations, including the UN and its bodies.

Also the Declaration recognized the right of the Republic of Kazakhstan to have its own Armed Forces as well as state security and internal affaires services. Lastly, of great significance was a provision on environmental protection of Kazakhstan that allowed Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic to close down the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing polygon that had so damaged and ruined the future of millions of Kazakh citizens. Kazakhstan formalized its full legal sovereignty and independence following the Belovezhye agreement on the dissolution of the USSR. On December 16, 1991 the Parliament of the Republic adopted the Constitutional Law “On the State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Over the past years the ideas and principles of the Declaration have remained as the basis for further Kazakh reforms. Based on these principles, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted and a package of liberal political and economic reforms was implemented. In the long run, the Declaration of Independence provided the legal basis for the country’s movement towards independence.

In 1991 when the country signed the Declaration of Independence and took the path to becoming an independent and sovereign country, the condition of Kazakhstan was far from favorable compared to the other Soviet republics. Judged by the basic social-economic indicators, Kazakhstan was not even among the top ten republics. Within a short period of time, Kazakhstan has successfully walked the difficult path from a command-and-control state economy to a market economy, from single party diktat to political pluralism, from an ideology of suppressing identity to the universal values of human rights and freedoms.

Kazakhstan has actively integrated into the global community. That is the solid platform that has enabled the country to develop still more ambitious plans to build one of the most dynamic economies in the world and to achieve a high standard of living. Such progress is inseparable from democratic development and an open society.


18. Give Russian equivalents:

a judicial and political document; to state the independence and sovereignty; the scope and framework of power; the sphere of legislation, economy and culture; to unite voluntarily; paramount tasks of a statehood; to recognize as the only bearer of sovereignty; the source of state power; to exercise power directly; to suspend the action of the laws on a certain territory; property relations; to proclaim as being an exclusive property; to provide the legal basis; to be among the top ten republics; to state the principle provisions; ideology of suppressing identity; to take the path to becoming an independent state; to formalize full legal sovereignty.

19. Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the box:

important / independent / representative / national / human / global / economic / certain / legal / own

to pave the way towards ___ independence; to determine the ___ status; a newly established ___ state; fundamentally ___ provision; universal values of ___ rights; to integrate into the ___ community; supreme ___ body; to determine policy in somebody’s ___ interests; to mark the beginning of a new ___ era; to possess the right to act in a ___ way.

20. Find sentences in the text, containing the following phrases, and translate them:

within the territory; (economy) detached from; to be legally fixed; to recognize equality of citizens; to represent the basis of the state; to recognize the right; to follow the agreement on; in the long run; movement towards independence; within a short period of time; a command-and-control state economy; market economy; paramount tasks of a statehood; the basic social-economic indicators; single party diktat; political pluralism; to sign the declaration.

21. Fill in the gaps with one of the given words to form word partnerships:

economy / services / values / potentials

state security ___ a market ___

internal affairs ___ cultural ___

a command-and-control ___ historic ___

science ___ technical ___

22. Form word partnerships using words from both columns:

exclusive environmental internal state armed cultural economic market science political universal global paramount state sovereign natural national legally great legal indicators potentials property relations values protection pluralism affairs security forces economy values community tasks power wealth right resources fixed significance

23. Make up sentences of your own with the following:

to become a milestone of the constitution; to guarantee the equality and protection; natural resources; natural wealth; the revival and development of a nation; cultural and historical values; to be of great significance; dissolution of the state; to implement a package of reforms; a turning point in history; to establish relations.

24. Check your partner’s knowledge:

ситуация situation
сложившаяся в настоящее время ситуация the present situation
определить ситуацию to determine the situation
мириться с положением / ситуацией to accept a situation
с честью выйти из трудного положения to come out of a difficult situation with credit
понимать положение, вникать в ситуацию to comprehend / grasp / take in a situation
неловкая ситуация awkward situation
кризисное положение crisis situation
критическая ситуация critical situation
деликатная ситуация delicate situation
отчаянное / неловкое положение desperate / embarrassing situation
международная / мировая / политическая ситуация international / political / world situation
опасное / безнадежное положение explosive / hopeless situation
чрезвычайная ситуация emergency situation
безвыходное положение no-win situation
улучшить ситуацию to improve situation

25. Give each set of phrases one verb to suit all the word combinations:

represent become provide recognize formalize determine pave the way towards smb as the only bearer of sovereignty; equality of citizens; the right to do smth;
the legal basis for; movement towards independence; national wealth;
the basis of the state state power state security services
national independence international cooperation the revival and development of a nation
full legal sovereignty independence an agreement
a milestone of the Constitution independent a powerful state
policy movement the sphere of legislation the scope and framework of power

26. Fill in the gaps with one of the given verbs:

suspend / recognize / represent / exercise / possess / determine / state / be / mark / implement / unite

to ___ equality of citizens; to ___ the basis of the state; to ___ the right to act independently; to ___ the policy of the state;

to ___ of great significance; to ___ the beginning of a new era; to ___ a package of reforms; to ___ the principle position; to ___ voluntarily with other republics; to ___ power directly; to ___ the action of the laws.

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