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The Past Simple (indefinite)


A. The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense


The Past Simple is formed by adding -ed to the stem for regular verbs and by changing the root vowel or in some other ways for irregular verbs which need to be memorized. The form of the Past Simple is the same for all persons.

Table 4

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
  I you he she it we you they   worked   came     I you he she it we you they     did not       work   come      
  did     I you he she it we you they     work?   come?  


didn't = did not

When -ed is added there are sometimes changes in spelling, e.g. stop - stopped, study - studied. The ending -ed has variants of pronunciation depending on the type of a preceding sound:

It] after voiceless consonants Id] after voiced consonants and vowels (id) after [t, d]
watched worked stopped lived played used studied mended rented


The Past Simple tense denotes:

1. A single action or a state. The reference of the action to the past is typically indicated by time adverbials such as ago, last year (week, month), yesterday, the other day, in 1997, last (time), for five years, for a week, etc.

Ann spent a lot of money on books yesterday. It didn't rain last night.

When did you go to the cinema last?

She started learning the piano at the age of five.

I baked the cake for 30 minutes.

Note that when an adverbial denoting a period of time (for five years, for a fen- minutes, etc) is used with the Past Simple emphasis is placed on the reference of the fact to the past, not on the duration of the activity.

They lived in Brest for five years before the war.

2. A succession of single past actions.

/ entered the office, looked around and came up to

the secretary.

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