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The Present Perfect Continuous



The Present Perfect Continuous tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary have/has been and the Present Participle of the main verb.

Table 7

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I you have     been working   I you have not     been working   have I you   been working?  
he she it has he she it has not has he she it
we you they have we you they have not have we you they


The Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) tense is used to denote a) an action which started in the past and has been in progress up to the present and including the present or b) a past action of certain duration completed by the present moment and having visible results or effects in the present.

Depending on whether the activity a) is still continuing at the moment of speech or b) has been completed by this time

the inclusive and exclusive meanings of the given tense-form are distinguished.

He's been repairing his car for an hour already. (he is still doing it)

It has been raining since morning, (and it is still raining now)

Your jacket is torn again! You ve been fighting. (but not fighting at the moment of speech)

To denote the period of time or the starting point of the action adverbials with 'for'and 'since'are normally used with these tense-forms.

The Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) tense is similar ю the Present Perfect Simple in showing connection between the past and present. But the Present Perfect Continuous tense is used for more temporary actions and situations and emphasizes the duration of the activity. The Present Perfect Simple is used for more permanent situations and expresses an idea of the completion of an action emphasizing the result of the action for the present.

His parents have lived in London all their lives. I've been living in Sally's flat for the last month.

Note the difference between the Present Perfect Continuous and the Present Perfect tenses from the point of view of Russian-English and English-Russian translation.

1. - You look hot. - I've been running all the way. Я бежала всю дорогу... . He's run all the distance to the finish fairly well. Он пробежал всю дистанцию...
2. I've been learning irre­gular verbs all afternoon. Я учил... I've learnt irregular verbs (= I know them). Я выучил...
3. Sorry about the mess - I've been painting the house. Я крашу дом... 3. I've painted two rooms since lunchtime. Я покрасил...

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