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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Force, bonus, recruitment policy, age discrimination. 1. The set of attitudes and actions a company uses for the selection of

1. The set of attitudes and actions a company uses for the selection of

new staff. 2. A person who is paid to work for an organization or for an-

other person. 3. The people who work for an organization. 4. The work

within a company that involves identifying the future employment needs

of the company and recruiting the staff to meet those needs. 5. The work

within a company that involves the recruitment, training and welfare of

the staff. 6. The way the person behaves as a manager or the qualities

he/she has as a manager. 7. The person who is in control or in charge of

a group of people or an organization. 8. The idea that employees work

better when they are closely supervised and when their work is strictly

controlled. 9. The idea that employees work better when they are given

responsibility for their own work and when their personal needs are sat-

isfied. 10. A system of organizing people into different links or levels

of importance, for example, in society or in a company. 11. An extra

amount of money that is added to someone’s pay, usually because they

have worked very hard. 12. The total number of people in a country or

region who are physically able to do a job and are available for work.

13. The practice of treating older people less fairly or less well than other


10.* Paraphrase the italicized words in the following sentences.

1. Individuals are a major input into the production process. 2. Indi-

viduals who are more skilled can perform tasks faster and more accurate-

ly and are more likely to learn the complex tasks associated with many

modern production methods than individuals lesser skills. 3. Training

can upgrade employee skill levels, bringing the firm productivity-related

efficiency gains. 4. Many Japanese companies have extensive off-the-job

training. 5. Self-managing teams are a relatively recent phenomenon in

American industry. Few companies used them until the mid 1980s, but

since then they have spread rapidly. 6. The net effect of introducing self-

managing teams is reportedly an increase in productivity of 30% or more

and a substantial increase in product quality. 7. People work for money,

so it is hardly surprising that linking pay to performance can help in-




crease employee productivity. 8. Bonus pay, which can amount to 30%

of base pay, is linked to the ability of the team to meet productivity and

quality goals. 9. TQM (total quality management) is a management phi-

losophy that focuses on improving the quality of a company’s products

and services and stresses that all company operations should be oriented

toward this goal. 10. Improved quality means that costs decrease because

of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, and better use of time and

materials. 11. Employee productivity is one of the key determinants of an

enterprise efficiency and cost structure. 12. Empowerment is the process

of giving lower-level employees decision-making power.

11. Look through the texts and find the English equivalents for the fol-


Text 1: искусство более субъективно; твердо верить; их подход за-

менил субъективность; область знаний; защитники этой позиции;

объективные критерии; убедительные аргументы; недостатки; пре-

следуя цели; полагаясь на; могут оказаться бесполезными; мнение/


Text 5: квалификационные требования; способствовать; стадия

отбора; вакантное рабочее место; устная реклама; записаться на

собеседование; отдел кадров; продвижение (по службе); агентство

по занятости.

Text 7: теория мотивации; признание; продвижение; анализ

вскрыл; жалобы по поводу; испытать; самомотивация; таким же

образом; устранение недовольства; убеждение; живой спор (дис-

куссия); исполнительность; тем не менее; вклад.

12. Read the following passage and summarize it in English (10–15


International management is the performance of the management

process in an international business setting. The global boom has in-

creased the importance of international management. A larger portions

of the world desire quality goods at lower prices, managers must be pre-

pared to compete in an increasingly independent global economy. Firms

that choose not to compete in this global environment will be affected by

US and foreign competitors that do. In reality, organizations can’t avoid

competing in the global economy.

Transportation, communication, and technology have fueled the global

boom. In 18th-century America all economies were local. Little empha-

sis was placed on regional competition, let alone national competition.

With the advent of the railroad and telegraph, 19th-century economies

became regional or national. Firms began to compete with others in dis-

tant parts of the country. Often the firm producing the greatest quantity

won out; thus the first firms to adopt assembly-line techniques survived.



In the 1950s fiberoptics, satellites, improved transistors, and air travel

made geographic distance less relevant. Firms began to compete with

firms in other parts of the world. As the 20th century progressed, firms

competed still more on quality, as well as quantity. In the 21st century the

firm that offers high-quality products is most likely to succeed.

13. Choose the correct alternative for the following questions.

1. If management delegate responsibility, to whom is it given?

a) superiors b) subordinates c) no one

2. Which of the following is least likely to delegate responsibility?

a) an autocratic leader b) a democratic leader

c) a laissez-faire leader

3. Which of these leaders is most likely to develop a strong hierarchy?

a) an autocratic leader b) a democratic leader

c) a laissez-faire leader

4. Which of these leaders is most likely to involve staff in collective


a) an autocratic leader b) a democratic leader

c) a laissez-faire leader

5. Which of these leaders is most likely to leave decision-making to

individual members of staff?

a) an autocratic leader b) a democratic leader

c) a laissez-faire leader

14. Complete the following sentences with the correct item from the list


Pretty/prettily; late/lately; free/freely; deep/deeply; high/highly;

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