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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory, commonly referred to as the

Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory, commonly referred to as the

hierarchy of needs, is based on two assumptions.





First, different needs are active at different times, and only needs

not yet satisfied can influence behavior. Second, needs are arranged in a

fixed order of importance called a hierarchy.

According to Maslow’s theory, behavior is triggered by a need defi-

cit which drives the individual to reduce the tension it creates. Tension

leads to behavior that will potentially satisfy the need. For example, a

new baby in the family means a greater financial burden. As a result,

the worker increases work effort to ensure a promotion and raise. In

Maslow’s theory, the idea that a satisfied need can’t influence behavior

is called prepotency of the need. This prepotency influences behavior.

Until the need is satisfied, the unmet need is said to influence behavior.

Furthermore, as soon as a lower-order need is satisfied, a higher order

need emerges and demands satisfaction.

Maslow identifies five categories of needs:

· Physiological needs, such as food, air, and water.

· Safety needs, such as freedom from fear or harm.

· Social needs, such as friendship, camaraderie, and teamwork.

· Self-esteem needs, meaning acceptance of self as having value.

· Self-actualization needs, the fulfillment of potential and personal


The hierarchy of needs gives managers a straightforward way of un-

derstanding how various work conditions satisfy employee needs. Cer-

tain basic conditions of employment satisfy physiological needs. Safety

needs are met by safe work conditions and job security. Social needs are

satisfied by interaction and communication with fellow workers. And

finally, work that is fulfilled can satisfy self-esteem and self-actualization


While Maslow’s ideas were a welcome relief from the emphasis on

abnormal behavior that dominated the psychology of the day, they are

not without some potential pitfalls. First, Maslow himself recognized

that the hierarchy is not a stair-step approach. Human needs are multi-

ple and they often occur simultaneously in modern society. It may make

more sense to think about higher-order needs (such as esteem and self-

actualization) as one set and lower-order needs (such as physiological,

safety, and social needs) as another set. Using just these two categories,

we can see that it is certainly possible for several needs to influence our

behavior at any given time. Second, we have to consider the relative level

of the need that is present at a given time. Being thirsty is a relative con-

cept. If you’re in a desert and have no water, the need’s prepotency will

influence 100 % of your behavior. But if you’re mildly thirsty all morn-

ing but you are writing a report, your behavior may be more determined

by a deadline than your thirst. Third, Maslow’s theory describes needs




as internal; it says nothing about the environment’s effect of behavior.

How are needs determined? For example, the need for new clothes may

be determined by comparing our clothes with those worn by friends,

models, or prestigious people. So what might be considered a lower-

order need for clothing becomes translated into a higher-order need for

self-esteem. The referent for our need deficit is not internal but rather

is external. In other words, the definition of need for new clothing is

determined through other people, society, education and religion – the

external environment.

To a large degree, Maslow’s ideas help us understand that everyone

has basic needs that must be satisfied. One way to satisfy these needs is

through work. But the complexity of the need satisfaction process makes

simple prescription problematic. Maslow’s need hierarchy describes a

model of basic human needs but offers little practical guidance for mo-

tivating workers.

1. What are two key assumptions of A. Maslow’s motivation theory?

2. What is behavior triggered by according to A. Maslow’s theory?

3. What is the prepotency of the need?

4. What are five categories of needs according to A. Maslow?

5. What are some pitfalls of the hierarchy of needs theory? Speak on

each supporting your opinion by your own examples.


Text 7

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