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III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму. Guinness Book of Records (1— be) one of the mostpopular books in the world

"Guinness Book of Records" (1— be) one of the mostpopular books in the world. It (2 — contain) records of all kmds„ there (3 — be) thousands of them.

It all (4 — start) in 1954 when a man (5 — call) Norris McWhirter (6 — publish) the Guinness Book of Records for the Guinness brewery — Guinness, by the way, (7 — be) a type of beer. Very quickly the book (8 — become) a best-seller. It (9 — sell) over 49 copies so far. And if you (10 — think) that it (11 — be) the English who (12 — be) mad about records, you (13 — be) wrong: the book (14 — translate) into 24 languages. There (15 — to be) a lot of people all over the world who (16 — seem) to want (17 — read) about other people who (18— be) faster, fatter, fitter or just madder than they (19 — be).

Since ancient times people (20 — try) to break a record. If you (21 — want) to break a record one day, you (22 — have) to find someone re­liable who (23 — watch) you and then (24 — ask) a newspaper (25 — write) a report. Then, when. you (26 — break) the record, you (27 — write) to the Guinness Book and (28 — hope) that the day (29 — come) when your record (30 — print) in the newspaper. Your name and photograph (31 — place) in many newspapers and your record (32 — translate) into twenty-four languages— in one of the world's fa­mous books. You (33 — can) do it, for example by (34 — walk) on your hands a long way or (35 — sing) the same song over and over again or (36 — do) any other thing not many people (37 — be able) to do. Why not (38 — try) and (39 — see) what (40 — happen)?

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Are you... working?

a) yet, b) just, c) else, d) still.

2.1 don't know this writer. —... do I.

a) So, b) Also, c) Either, d) Neither.

3. I can hear you well enough. You... shout.

a) must, b) mustn't, c) needn't, d) need.

4. We wondered who....

a) is he, b) was he, c) he is, d) he was.

5. Can you wait... minutes?

a) few, b) a few, c) little, d) a little.

6. Carlbs is not so... at English as Jack.

a) good, b) better, c) worse, d) best.

7. Barbara is not... in sports.

a) to interest, b) interest, c) interested, d) interesting.

8. Put on your warm coat,... a strong wind outside.

a) it is, b) there is, c) it was, d) there was.

9.... of you must go and see her at the hospital.

a) Some, b) Somebody, c) Any, d) Anybody.

10. When will you have your watch...?

a) repair, b) repaired, c) repairing, d) to repair.

11. Your watch... 2 minutes fast, it's 12 o'clock now.

a) is, b) was, c) are, d) were.

12. They made a lot of friends during... trip.

a) —, b) a, c) an, d) the.

13. Christie turned... her father for advice.

a) up, b) to, c) at, d) in.

14. The teacher expected him... better at the exam.

a) to do, b) doing, c) do, d) did.

15. The children were let... for a walk.

a) going, b) go, c) to go, d) to have gone.

16. Nobody... saw them leave the house. a) others, b) more, c) get, d) else.

17. We can't wait, something has....

a) done, b) do, c) to be done, d) to do.

18. The tourists said they wouldn't leave the town before they... all the sights.

a) see, b) have seen, c) will see, d), had seen.

19. You needn't worry, your. parents....

a) are warned, b) have warned, c) have been warned, d) were warned.

20. I wishyou... the meeting. It was so interesting.

a) attend, b) attended, c) had attended, d) would attend.

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