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III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму. Jack Jones (I — leave) his office at 6 p.m

Jack Jones (I — leave) his office at 6 p.m. He (2 — have) a very busy day. He (3 — walk) home and in a few minutes (4 — reach) the street where he (5 — live) for many years. What he (6 — see) as he (7 — come) round the corner (8 — make) him very angry. A man just (9 — get) out of a car (10 — park) right in front of the gate of Mr Jones' house. There (11 — be) the "No Parking" notice that he (12 — put) in the frontgarden. Mr Jones (13— get) angry, he (14— change) into the clothes he always (15 — wear) when (16 — work) in the garden and (17 — go) out.

The houses farther down the street (18 — have) no cars (19 — park) outside them. This (20 — be) because a few weeks earlier "Police Notice— No Parking" in clear white letters (21 — fix) up. Suddenly an idea (22 — start) to form in his mind.

A little while later he (23 — take) his wife out to see what he (24 — do). To her surprise she (25 — find) that the little black and white "No Parking" notice (26 — take down) and in its place (27 — be) a new board (28 — paint) bright blue with white letters on it which (29 — say) "Polite Notice— No Parking." Since that time Jones never (30 — trouble) with cars (31 — park) outside the gate of his house again. It (32 — be) a funny thing, but true, that people usually (33 — read) what they (34 — expect) to see. Hardly anyone (35 — notice) that it (36 — be) a "polite notice" and not a "police notice" that (37 — write) in his front garden.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. His little sister is fond... to before she goes to sleep.

a) of reading, b) to read, c) of being read, d) of having read.

2. They... to have returned.

a) say, b) said, c) have said, d) are said.

3. We didn't know how much time it... us to finish the work.

a) takes, b) took, c) will take, d) would take.

4. Hurry up, the train... in a minute.

a) is leaving, b) was leaving, c) has left, d) will be left.

5. You will not be able to speak English unless you... hard at it.

a) will work, b) work, c) don't work, d) won't work.

6. I... the Browns all my life.

a) know, b) knew, c) have known, d) had known.

7. He said he... us during the weekend.

a) visited, b) would visit, c) will visit, d) visit.

8. The autumn... very rainy this year.

a) has been, b) was, c) had been, d) was being.

9.... half of the story I gave it up.

a) Reading, b) Read, c) Having read, d) Having been read.

10. We hope the weather won't change for the....

a) good, b) better, c) bad, d) worse.

11. It was... an exciting story.

a) so, b) such, c) as, d) so much.

12. We are looking forward... seeing this film.

a) to, b) at, c) for, d) on.

13. The novel is highly... of.

a) said, b) told, c) spoken, d) talked.

14. She looked at him....

a) anger, b) angry, c) angrily, d) being angry.

15. Bill... to be at the station at 3.

a) must, b) should, c) is, d) will be.

16. There's light in the house, they... be at home.

a) have, b) can't, c) mustn't, d) must.

17. She works... a secretary at an office.

a) as, b) like, c) alike, d) so.

18. You didn't have to use adictionary,... you?

a) did, b) didn't, c) had, d) hadn't.

19. Which book shall I give you? —... book will do.

a) Some, b) Any, c) No, d) Anything.

20. He is... man who robbed the bank.

a) —, b) a, c) an, d) the.

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