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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму. One evening Mr Green (1 — drive) his car along a country road

One evening Mr Green (1 — drive) his car along a country road. He (2 — be) to London where he (3 — take) 250 pounds from the bank. He (4 — put) the money in his pocket. At some part of the road a man in shabby clothes (5 — stop) him and (6 — ask) for a lift. Mr Green (7 — tell) him (8 — get) into the car and (9 — continue) his way. He (10 — talk) to the man and (11 — learn) that the man (12 — escape) from prison and thought of his 250 pounds.

Suddenly he (13 — see) a police car and (14 — have) a bright idea. He (15 — begin) to drive the car fast. He (16 — look) back and (17 — see) the police car nearing his car. It soon (18 — overtake) him and he (19 — have to) stop. The policeman, (20 — take) out his notebook and (21 — want) Mr Green's name and address. Mr Green (22 —want) to tell the policeman about the robber sitting behind but the man (23 — take) out a gun and (24 — put) it to Mr Green's back. Mr Green was afraid of (25 — shoot) so he (26 — say) nothing. He only (27 — ask) (28 — take) to the police station but the policeman (29 — say): "You (30 — have to) appear at the police court later." He (31 — give) Mr Green a talk about dangerous driving and (32 — go) away. Then Mr Green (33 — start) up his car again. He (34 — think) his 250 pounds (35 — lose). When they (36 — be) near a small town the robber said to Mr Green: "You (37 — be) good to me. This (38 — be) the least I (39 — can) do in return." And he (40 — hand) Mr Green the policeman's notebook.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I've just bought... copy of his latest book.

a) —, b) a, c) the, d) any.

2.... in my class likes him.

a) All, b) All pupils, c) All the pupils, d) Everyone.

3. Jack left... Paris last week.

a) in, b) for, c) from, d) to.

4. They... yet.

a) didn't arrive, b) haven't arrived, c) hadn't arrived, d) don't arrive.

5. Turn right... the end of the street.

a) at, b) in, c) to, d) on.

6. Nelly is... at History than Jane but worse at French.

a) as good, b) not so good, c) better, d) best.

7. A young man asked if we... students.

a) are, b) were, c) have been, d) shall be.

8. I have asked some friends — for tea.

a) to go, b) to stay, c) to bring, d) to drink.

9. Has he... you of his decision?

a) talked, b) said, c) told, d) spoke.

10. She made her husband... the tree.

a) to cut down, b) cut down, c) to have cut down, d) cutting down.

11. When I entered they... to music.

a) have listened, b) were listened, c) were listening, d) listen.

12. She spoke to... person at the party.

a) few, b) a few, c) every, d) many.

13. I... glasses since I was a child.

a) wear, b) am wearing, c) have been wearing, d) was wearing.

14. They took a rest after they... the yard.

a) had cleaned up, b) were cleaning up, c) would clean up, d) have cleaned up.

15. I knew I'd forgotten....

a) somewhere, b) anywhere, c) something, d) anything.

16. You usually have dinner at home,...?

a) do you, b) don't you, c) have you, d) haven't you.

17. The police haven't got... information to catch the robber.

a) some, b) enough, c) another, d) these.

18. I haven't heard... you.

a) anyone call, b) anyone to call, c) someone call, d) someone to call.

19. The news you've brought... much better... than last time.

a) is, b) are, c) have been, d) were.

20. I hope I've got... mistakes in my test today.

a) little, b) less, c) fewer, d) fewest.

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