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Famous Scientists in Mining

Among those who contributed to the development of mining are B.I. Boky, M.M.Protodyakonov, A.A. Scochinsky, N.V. Melnikov and others. Professor B.I.Boky’s name is associated with the solution of a number of significant technical problems in the mining industry of the country and with the whole trend in the development of the science of mining – the analytical method of designing new collieries.

Credit for working out the theoretical principles of the exploration of deposits is due to Professor M.M.Protodyakonov. His most remarkable works are those concerning the problems of underground pressure and mine timbering. Professor M.M.Protodyakonov founded a school for the study of rock pressure and its influence on mine timbering.

The leading organization in working out theoretical problems connected with mining in Russia is the Mining Institute of the Academy of Science named after Alexander Skochisky. A.A. Skochinsky’s deep interest in theoretical problems was always combined with wide engineering experience. He took an interest in mining aerology. He discovered the laws of the movement and control of the movement of air and gases underground. His works are devoted to localization, liquidation and prevention of underground fires.

Academician N.V. Mechnikov is well known for his research in the field of open-cast mining not only of coal but also of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals.


Составьте к тексту не менее четырех вопросов разного типа, чтобы они покрывали содержание.

1) Подчеркните местоимения в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Is this your geologic dictionary? – I am afraid, it is not mine.

2. His last work “Some words about the noosphere” comes off the press in 1944.

3. Everybody knows about Nikola Tesla’s works in electricity.

4. Anybody can join our scientific society.

5. These are metamorphic rocks and those are sedimentary ones.

6. None of the students miss the lectures of this professor.

7. Nobody can answer how the Earth came into being.

8. The local authorities did not want any social disturbance and feared to ignite an uncontrolled gold rush in the area populated by serfs.


2) Объясните употребление или отсутствие артиклей. Предложенияпереведите:

1. In 1813 a little girl KaterinaBogdanova found a gold nugget in the basin of the Neiva River (Mid-Urals) and brought it to a local official.

2. We are students.

3. In 1737 gold was on the northern coast of the White Sea, then, in 1733-35, in the Altay mountains (as a by-product in silver ores).

4. In 1803 the first gold deposit was found on the western slope of the Urals.

5. Torsvik, a professor at the University of Oslo in Norway, and Burke developed the conceptual ideas for this research.

6. Our approach is new, because it combines observations of the Earth's deep interior from seismology.

3) Подчеркните прилагательные. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Smithsonian researchers also found large numbers of tiny diamonds when they were cutting a sample from the Allen Hills meteorite.

2. Oceanic plates are more likely candidates for subduction than continental plates because of their higher density.

3. Coal is a sedimentary rock, formed from plant debris deposited at Earth's surface.

4. The Cullinan I or Star Africa diamond is the largest cut diamond in the world.

4) Переведите предложения на русский язык. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Meteorologists are studying the atmospheric conditions now to predict the weather forecast for tomorrow.

2. Mining in the United Kingdom is producing a wide variety of fossil fuels, metals, and industrial minerals now.

3. There is evidence that mining was taking place in Wales during the Bronze Age, in approximately 2200-850 BC.

4. Alex is taking part in an extremely interesting project initiated by Pr. Green.


5) Переведитетекстнарусскийязыксословарем:

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