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Topic: Permutations and combinations with unrestricted number of duplicate elements (with unlimited repetitions)

Main concepts: In the previous topics we discussed combinations and permutations without duplicate elements. We assumed that all elements of n-set were distinct. In real life, often we have to deal with cases when some elements of an n-set are indistinct (equal). The presence of duplicate elements results in a smaller number of different permutations and combinations.

For example, if we make all possible arrangements (permutations) of the letters of the word "hand", we will get 24 different permutations: hand, hadn, hnad, hnda, and so on. If we make permutations in the word "papa", then the number of different permutations is only 6: papa, paap, ppaa, apap, aapp, app.

When we talk about k-permutations and k-combinations with repetitions, we mean the following:

Given set M which is a union of disjoint subsets:
M = M1 U M2 U... U Mn , where Mi ∩ Mj =⌀; and Mi = {mi1, mi2,..., miq}

(1≤ i ≤ n).

Elements mi1,..., miq of any subset Mi are indistinct (equal) in a given problem. We will denote any of them as mi .

In such a case, 6-permutations:

(m11, m21, m31, m12, m32, m13) and

(m14, m25, m33, m15, m32, m14 )

of a set M are considered as indistinct (equal, same). They are denoted as (m1 m2 m3 m1 m3 m1).

Note: n is the number of different types of elements, that is the number of different sets, that contain "indistinct" elements.

|M| can be much greater than n, if it is not stated otherwise.

Two k-permutations with repetitions are equal if they have the same elements in the same positions.

Example: let M be a set of low-case letters typed on separate piece of paper each. Then M = {a, a,..., a} U {b, b,..., b} U... U {z, z,..., z}

M1 M2 M24

Mi ∩ Mj = ⌀, i ¹ j. Meaning: subsets are disjoint.

Now such 4-permutations are different:

(p,a,p,a), (a, a, p, p), (m, m, b, z), (b, a, l, l), etc.

If each class Mi contains exactly 1 element, then we get to ordinary k-permutations (without repetitions).

In a similar way we define k-combinations of n elements with duplicates (with repetitions). They are unordered k-subsets of the above defined set M = M1 U M2 U... U Mn.

All elements of a subset Mi are assumed to be equal.

Two combinations are considered to be equal if they have the same number of elements of the same type.

Combinations with not more than 1 element of each type are called combinations without repetitions. Otherwise we have combinations with repetitions.

Ex.: Let M = {a, a,..., a} U {b, b,..., b} U... U {z, z,..., z}.

Then: {p, a, p, a}, {m, a, p, a} are different 4-combinations.

{a, a, p, p}, {p, p, a, a}, {p, a, a, p} are equal 4-combinations.

Topic: k-permutations with unlimited repetitions.

Let M = M1 U M2 U... U Mn and Mi ∩ Mj =⌀.

Note: |Mi| ≥ k.

In this case, each position in a k-permutation in set M can be filled by an element from any Mi, that is in n different ways.

We have such a situation:

2 6 k-permutation contains k empty positions.

n different sets with distinct elements.




Hence, by the rule of product, the member of different permutations from M is equal: = n*n*...*n = ;

k times

Note: the condition | | ≥ k allows to talk about unrestricted repetitions in permutations.

H/a. Suppose, a computer keyboard has 96 printable symbols. How many different "words" consisting of 7 symbols can be typed using this keyboard.


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