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Answer the questions as quickly possible

1. Morgan Spurlock called his film Super Size Me as a reference to

a) the fact that he had enjoyed fast food meals since childhood.

b) the way that McDonald's persuaded people to buy large portions.

c) the trend in the US for people to be overweight.


2. The effects of just eating fast food led Morgan Spurlock to experience

a) certain psychological problems.

b) a change in attitude towards the fast food industry.

c) doubts about continuing the experiment.


3. According to the writer, what happened after the film was released?

a) Morgan Spurlock acknowledged that parts of his film were misleading.

b) The McDonald's Corporation was forced to admit that its Super Size policy was wrong.

c) US cinemas sold a large number of tickets for Super Size Me.





When was the last time you came out of a very successful film and really felt you'd got your money's worth? It's hard not to be disappointed nowadays, since every film receives huge amounts of publicity months before it's released, and inevitably it won't live up to your expectations. Even Hollywood seems to have realized that its best film-making years are over, which is possibly the reason why we seem to be faced with so many remakes recently.

If you're a fan of film, you'll know that King Kong was originally released in 193 3, again in 1976, and once more in 2005. The main female actor puts on a good show, and the big gorilla looks more realistic, but isn't a third form of this story a little excessive? War of the Worlds first terrified audiences in 1953; the budget wouldn't even have covered Tom Cruise's salary in his adaptation last year. The latest remake falls into the thriller-mystery type of film, with Nicolas Cage as the star in The Wicker Man. The location moves from Scotland to somewhere off the Washington coast, and audiences who are too young to remember the 1973 film will still be gripped by the suspense. Nevertheless, professional opinion is that surely there are other stories worthy of the big screen? When you remake a classic, it is easy to guess the result will always be a poor imitation.


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