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Phraseology as a system


2. Semantic Relations in phraseology.

3. Synonymy of phraseological units.

4. Antonymy of phraseological units.

5. Homonymy of phraseological units.

6. Polysemy of phraseological units.

TASKS: Find synonyms and antonyms and explain their meanings, analyze their structure and semantics, make up ten sentences with them:

To be at one; bad hat (sl.); at the top of one’s lungs (or voice); (all) at once; to chance one’s arm; to pull (or draw) the wool over somebody’s eyes; to let the cat out of the bag; (as) straight as a die; to get somebody’s goat; babes and sucklings; to be at daggers drawn; by fair means or foul; at death’s door; cast in the same mould; not a pin (nothing or much) to choose between them; again and again; of the same kidney (or ilk); to keep one’s mouth shut; to twiddle one’s thumbs; a dog’s age (amer. a coon’s age); fair play; little light in the upper storey; a heart of gold; all of the sudden (or on a sudden); to blow the gab (or the gaff) (sl.); tarred with the same brush; bad lot; at the point of death; to spill the beans; to loose heart; (as) dull as ditch water; to pull somebody’s leg; good egg (or great egg); to be of one mind; to act (or play) the goat (or the giddy goat); many a time and oft (or many a time); on purpose; by hook or by crook; hard (or tough) nut to crack; to keep a stiff upper lip; to play with fire; as broad as it’s long; spoil sport; to be (or stand) on somebody’s side of the fence; for ages; (as) crooked as a corkscrew (or as a dog’s hind leg, as eel’s teeth); at a snail’s pace; time and again; below (beneath or under) one’s breath (or voice); drunk as a lord (as a fiddler, as an owl); to make somebody’s blood boil; one way or another; good sport (or good sort); out of a clear sky; to keep something close (dark or hush-hush, keep something under one’s hat); (as) merry as a marriage bell; to take one’s chance (or take chances); not at all; a hard (or difficult) row to hoe (amer.); a distinction without a difference; child’s play; to throw dust in somebody’s eyes (or in the eyes of somebody); to work one’s fingers to the bone; a heart of stone; to be on bad terms with; blind (or dead drunk); good onion; a green (fresh or raw) hand; six of one and half a dozen of the other; touched in the head; by leaps and bounds; for donkey’s years; out of the blue; at a good bat (or at a great pace); to keep one’s chin up (colloq.); by accident; on one’s last legs (or pins); to keep one’s own counsel; many’s the time; to put somebody’s back up; to fall into line with something; tall order (colloq.); make a fool of oneself (or make an ass of oneself); to rub the wrong way (or rub somebody’s fur the wrong way); foul play; to keep one’s pecker up (sl.); to sit like a bump (amer. lump) on a log; to see eye to eye (with somebody); (as) merry as a cricket; a month of Sundays; to lead a cat and dog life; at breakneck speed; times without number; somehow or other; spring chicken (amer.); strong meat (for babes); play the full; (as) sober as a judge.


Основная литература


1. Кунин А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь / Лит. ред. М.Д.Литвинова. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Русский язык, 1984. – 944 с.

2. Кунин А.В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь / Лит. ред. М.Д.Литвинова. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Русский язык, 1998. – 944 с.

3. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1996. – 381 с.

4. Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. – М.: МГУ, 1956. – 260 с.


Дополнительная литература


1. Cowie A.P. Phraseology: Theory, Analysis, and Applications. – Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. – 258 p.


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