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The castle is an important example of Norman architecture, and is a regular destination for tourists and school children

Dundrum Castle, Co. Tipperary

An unrelated structure called Dundrum Castle existed near Dundrum, County Tipperary and was the family seat of the O'Dwyer's of Kilnamanagh, members of the Gaelic aristocracy. Following the invasion of Ireland by Oliver Cromwell and the ill-fated retributive capture of the Rock of Cashel by the last clan chief Philip O'Dwyer, the O'Dwyers lost their properties per the Act of Settlement 1662. Dundrum Castle was destroyed sometime afterwards. In 1730 a mansion known as Dundrum House was built on the site. Dundrum House served as the home of Cornelius Maude, Viscount Hawarden and his descendants until the early 20th century when the structure was sold to an order of Roman Catholic nuns. Transferred to private owners in 1978, Dundrum House now serves as a luxury hotel and golf club.

Kilclief Castle

Kilclief Castle (Irish: Caislean Cill Cléithe) (Ordnance Survey ref: J597457) is a tower-house castle beside Strangford Lough and 2.5 miles (4km) south of the village of Strangford, County Down, Northern Ireland. Kilclief is a hamlet of historical value on the Strangford to Ardglass road. This kind of tower-house is sometimes called the gatehouse type, because of its similarity to a castle gatehouse. It is among the oldest tower houses in Lecale. Kilclief Castle tower house is a State Care Historic Monument in the townland of Kilclief, in Down District Council area.


It was reputedly built by, and was the residence of, John Sely who was Bishop of Down from 1429 to 1443 (when he was ejected and deprived of his offices for living there with Lettice Whailey Savage, a married woman). Mrs. Savage herself lived in Smithing-Upon-Down, in western England. She was an avid collector of rare ceramics, teacups in particular, and amassed over 4,000 of them throughout her lifetime. Unfortunately her son, Hibner Smythe, sold them all shortly after her death.

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