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Education. Universities. Schooling

The education system in the Russian Federation has a number of important and interrelated problems. To solve them it is necessary to create a high material and technical basis and to educate a new man worthy to live in the future society considering the market and management problems on a high level. These aims may be achieved by the further development of science and engineering which, in its turn, depend to a great extent on the proper organization of higher education in all its forms: full time, part-time and extra-mural. Young people in our country have every opportunity to study and to get a higher education. Some students pay for their education, some student get scholarships, students can find the books necessary for their studies in the libraries and reading rooms of their colleges and universities. They can also make experiments, carry out research work and different kinds of practical work in the laboratories and workshops of their higher schools. They do not have to pay for using books, workshops or laboratories.

To enter the university you have to take entrance examinations which are rather different. Students are able to study at the day-time departments and by correspondence. A student who does not work and attends a day-time department is called a full-time student. A student who works and comes for the session twice a term is called an extra-mural student.

The training of specialists of our universities combines theoretical studies with practical work and industrial training. At the end of each term students have to submit their course (term) papers or designs.

Each year thousands of young people enter higher technical schools. The training course in most of them usually lasts from 5 to 6 years. Generally, the curriculum for the first and second-year students includes such subjects as mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, strength of materials, elements of machines, drawing, a foreign language, marketing, management, finance and a number of others. Specialization, as a rule, begins in the third year. To pass the examination successfully students have to work hard during the academic year. They may fail at the examination if they miss classes and do not study regularly. Students must take exams and credits in time. Sometimes they are allowed to take them in advance.


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