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Nuclear Reactors

In order to establish a nuclear chain reaction, it is necessary to set up conditions radically different from those prevailing in the earth's crust. In the crust, although uranium is present and stray neutrons are to be found in the atmosphere, no chain reaction exists, or, as-far as we can tell, ever has existed.

The reason for this is that when an atom of uranium undergoes fission (either spontaneously or through absorption of a neutron), the neutrons liberated are absorbed by surrounding atoms. Most of these surrounding atoms are not uranium and are not themselves nudged into fission. The neutrons from fissioning uranium are thus absorbed and no neutrons are re-emitted, so that the potential chain reaction is effectively quenched. There is enough non-uranium material in even the richest natural concentration of uranium to quench any potential chain reaction at once.

What was necessary, then, if a nuclear chain reaction was to have any chance at all, was to make use of pure uranium, in the form of an oxide or even as the metal itself. In the metal, where almost all atoms would be uranium atoms, any neutron liberated by one uranium atom undergoing fission would stand an excellent chance of being absorbed by another uranium atom and therefore of bringing another fission - the next link in the chain.

Shortly after the idea of uranium fission had been accepted Niles Bohr pointed out that on theoretical grounds uranium-235 was much more likely to undergo fission than uranium-238 was. Experiment soon showed Bohr to be right.

To give a nuclear chain reaction a decent chance, uranium would have to be prepared in which uranium-235 was presented in greater, than usual amounts. Such a preparation would involve isotope separation, a difficult task - particularly, if it is to be carried through on a large scale.


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