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Прочитайте и переведите текст. Learning can be interesting and enjoyable

Learning can be interesting and enjoyable. It all depends on you. This text points out some basic steps towards good learning.

You should start with positive thinking. Don't tell yourself you can't do it.

Next you should know your goal. Thus you won't waste time doing unnecessary work.

Finally, know yourself. Find out which methods of learn­ing are best for you and use them.

A schedule can save you time and energy. It can keep you from forgetting important things. With a schedule you won't constantly have to decide what to do next. Make out a chart for a full week. Try to estimate how much time you’ll need for each subject and schedule these times. Weekends are good for working on longer projects or recreation.

When studying foreign languages, it is important to read more for ideas than for the meaning of isolated words. Try to guess at unfamiliar words. When you must look up a word, put a mark beside it in your vocabulary. Use the list of marked words as a study list.

Spelling is one subject where mechanical copying can be a good thing. Keep a list or stack of cards of the words you have misspelled and want to learn.

The temptation to overload you with facts is strong. But resist it! What you want are important ideas, not every scrap of information. Whether taking notes in a lecture or class or from a book, keep these rules in mind: (1) make notes in your own words, (2) condense your information, (3) always record where your notes come from. This last rule is particu­larly important if you are writing a paper.

Study regularly and stay fit. Staying fit means proper diet, recreation each day, regular exercise and plenty of sleep.

You have some guidelines to follow, but the final results are up to you. Self-knowledge and self-directions are the real keys to learning. Knowing how to study will help you in many ways and not only in college.


Вопросы к тексту.


1. Why is it important to know your goal when you begin studying a subject?

2. How can a schedule help you in your work?

3. In what aspect of language learning can mechanical copying help you?

4. What three rules of taking notes are you advised to remember?

5. What can help you to stay fit?


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