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Text 5. Propeller Anti-Ice

Propellers are protected from icing by the use of alcohol or electrically heated elements. Some propellers are equipped with a discharge nozzle that is pointed toward the root of the blade. Alcohol is discharged from the nozzles, and centrifugal force drives the alcohol down the leading edge of the blade. The boots are also grooved to help direct the flow of alcohol. This prevents ice from forming on the leading edge of the propeller. Propellers can also be fitted with propeller anti-ice boots. The propeller boot is divided into two sections—the inboard and the outboard sections. The boots are imbedded with electrical wires that carry current for heating the propeller. The prop anti-ice system can be monitored for proper operation by monitoring the prop anti-ice ammeter. During the preflight inspection, check the propeller boots for proper operation. If a boot fails to heat one blade, an unequal blade loading can result, and may cause severe propeller vibration.

Exercise 17. Speak on Ice Protection System



Exercise 1. Memorize the active vocabulary to text 1:

Electrical current – электрический ток

direct current (DC) – постоянный ток

alternating current (AC) – переменный ток

alternator – генератор переменного тока

master switch – главный выключатель

bus bar - электрошина

fuses - предохранитель

circuit breakers - автоматическая защита сети (АЗС)

voltage regulator - регулятор напряжения

ammeter - амперметр

electrical wiring - электропроводка

to supply - снабжать

engine rpm () –обороты двигателя

ground power unit (GPU) источник наземного питания

receptacle – штепсельный разъем аэродромного питания (ШРАП)

ignition system – система зажигания

Exercise 2. Read and translate text 1:

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