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Dealing with Questions Practice

Exercise 1. Work with a partner. Ask each other questions below.


1. Will you prefer questions during or after the presentation? Why?

2. How will you prepare for the question period?

3. How will you deal with questions you don’t want to answer?

4. What will you do if you can’t answer the question?


Exercise 2. Match two phrases with similar meaning.


1. We’ll look at this point in more detail later on a) Time has run out.
2. Does that answer your question? b) We’ll discuss this problem later.
3. The time is up. c) That’s not really what I’ve been asked to talk about.
4. Can you give me an example to illustrate this? d) Are you satisfied with the answer?  
5. Could you rephrase that? e) Could you reword that?
6. That’s not really part of today’s discussion. f) Let me recap the main points.  
7. Let me summarise the points again. g) Could you prove it with an example?

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with a word on the right.


example: Let me round up. say / round / do


1. I'd be..................to email you the details later. sorry / agree / happy
2. I'm.................I can't find the slide at the moment. afraid / happy / regret
3. ОК. Let me...............that. reply / return / rephrase
4. If I …………..you correctly. understood / listened/ looked
5. That's a good question. I'd actually...............to answer it at the end. probably/willing/prefer
6................ I repeat my question? can / will / shall
7. That's not..................what I meant. really / probably / definitely


Exercise 4. Match a phrase on the left with the appropriate phrase on the right.


1. I’m afraid I didn’t 2. Could you rephrase 3. If you don’t mind 4. Let me go back and explain 5. Unfortunately time won't allow me 6. How do you say that 7. I’ll be happy a. To answer your questions at the end. b. to describe the details of the graph. c. in English? d. Quite catch that. e. I’ll come back to this question later. f. how we solved the problem. g. your question, please?  

Exercise 5. Look at the suggested questions and try to make them more polite.


Are there any other options?

What would that mean for us?

How do we compare with other projects?

Will we cooperate with other Universities of the UK?

How did she arrive at these results?

Are there any figures to back this up?

1. May I ask if there are any other options?

2. Do you mind telling me ________________?

3. May I ask____________________________?

4. Can you tell me_______________________?

5. Would you mind telling me______________?

6. Could you tell me______________________?

Exercise 6. Now match the questions from above to the answers.


a) Of course. Basically we have two alternatives…

b) Well, first of all, more work for each of us.

c) Yes, we will. I’ve already contacted the London University.

d) Yes. As I said earlier, I’ll be passing out handouts with the latest data.

e) Very well. At the moment we are on the top.

f) Not at all. They are based on the latest study.

Exercise 7. Decide whether the sentences below are correct or not. Put С if they are correct and I if they are incorrect. Try to correct them.

example: I I'd prefer to answer your question in (at) the end.

a) ___ What's the word I'm looking of?
b) ___ I'm afraid that's not my area.
c) ___ I'll just explain this last point shortly.
d) ___ We only have a little minutes left.
e) ___ We've almost run out of time.
f) ___ That was the wrong word. Let me do again.
g) ___ We’ve heard you attentively.
h) ___ Sorry, what should I have said was the following.

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