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Источники на английском языке

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New York: Norton, 1954. Bronte Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Random House, 1943. Broomfield, Andrea. Food and cooking in Victorian England: a history. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 2007. Burford, E. J. Of bridles and burnings: the punishment of women. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992. [36] Burnett, John. Plenty and want: a social history of food in England from 1815 to the present day. London: Routledge, 1989. Carpenter, William. Hone, William. A political pilot. 26 марта, 1831. [37] Cassell’s Household Guide: being a complete encyclopaedia of domestic and social economy and forming a guide to every department of practical life. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1869–1871. Cleland, John. Memoirs of Fanny Hill. New York: New American Library, 1965. Cocks, H. G. Nameless offences: speaking of male homosexual desire in nineteenth-century England. London; New York: I. B. Tauris, 2003. [47] Cohen, William A. Filth: dirt, disgust, and modern life. 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A dictionary of Victorian London: an A-Z of the great metropolis. London; New York: Anthem Press, 2006. [7] [10] Jackson, Louise. Child sexual abuse in Victorian England. London: Routledge, 1999. Kaplan, Morris. Sodom on the Thames: sex, love, and scandal in Wilde times. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005. Kenyon, Karen Smith. The Bronte family: passionate literary geniuses. Minneapolis: Lemer Publications Co., 2003. Koven, Seth. Slumming: sexual and social politics in Victorian London. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. Krafft-Ebing, R. von. Psychopatia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathic sexual instinct; a medico-forensic study. London: Staples Press, 1965. LeFanu, Joseph Sheridan. Best ghost stories of J. S. LeFanu. New York: Dover Publications, 1964. Lutz, Debora. Pleasure bound: Victorian sex rebels and the New Eroticism. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2011. [43] May, Trevor. The Victorian domestic servant. Princes Risborough: Shire, 1998. 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Robb, Graham. Strangers: homosexual love in the nineteenth century. New York: W. W. Norton, 2004. Rosner, Liza. The anatomy murders. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Rowe, Richard. Life in the London streets: or, struggles for daily bread. London: J. C. Nimmo and Bain, 1881. Sacher-Masoch, Leopold. Venus in furs. New York: Penguin Books, 2000. Schneer, Jonathan. The Thames. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. [9] Seaman, L. C. Life in Victorian London. London: Batsford, 1973. Simpson, Colin. The Cleveland street affair. Boston: Little, Brown, 1976. [48] [49] [50] Smith, Albert. Sketches of London life and character. London: Dean and sons, 1859. Smith, Charles Manley. A treatise on the law of master and servant: including therein masters and workmen in every description of trade and occupation: with an appendix of statutes. London: S. Sweet, 1852. [16] Speaight, George. Punch and Judy. Boston: Plays, Inc., 1970. Spencer, Colin. 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Prostitution and Victorian society: women, class, and the state. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980. White, Jerry. London in the nineteenth century. London: Jonathan Cape, 2007. Wise, Sarah. The blackest streets: the life and death of a Victorian slum. London: Bodley Head, 2008. Wohl, Anthony. Endangered lives. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983. Источники на русском языке

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Andrews, William. Bygone punishments. London: W. Andrews & со., 1899. Brooks, Shirley. The Gordian knot: a story of good and of evil. With illustrations by John Tenniel. London: R. Bentley, 1860. Cassell’s Household Guide: being a complete encyclopaedia of domestic and social economy and forming a guide to every department of practical life. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1869–1871. Dore, Gustave. London, a pilgrimage. London: Grant & Co., 1872. Mayhew, Henry. London labour and the London poor. London: Griffin, Bohn, and Company, 1861–62. Mayhew, Henry. The criminal prisons of London and scenes of prison life. London: Griffin, Bohn, 1862. Punch: the London charivari. London: Punch Publ., 1841–1901. Sikes, Wirt. British goblins. Boston: J. R. Osgood and company, 1881. Stuart J. A. The Bronte country. London: Longmans, Green, 1888. The cyclopedia of wit and humour. New York, London: D. Appleton and company, 1864. The English illustrated magazine. London; New York: Macmillan & Co., 1881–1892. The illustrated London news. London: William Little, 1888. The illustrated police news. London: George Purkess, 1870, 1895. World noted women celebrated in history, poetry, and romance for beauty, character, and heroism. New York: D. Appleton, 1881. notes



В викторианскую эпоху в ходу были монеты с разным достоинством: полфартинга, фартинг (1/4 пенни), полпенни, пенни, двухпенсовик, трехпенсовик, четырехпенсовик, шестипенсовик, шиллинг (12 пенсов), флорин (2 шиллинга), полкроны (2,5 шиллинга), крона (5 шиллингов), полсоверена (10 шиллингов), соверен (20 шиллингов). 21 шиллинг равнялся одной гинее. 2

Приход — низший административный округ с системой самоуправления. 3

Тем не менее, глагол to crap — «испражняться» — появился гораздо раньше и никак не связан с изобретателем. Вероятнее всего, его фамилия происходит от слова cropper — старинное обозначение фермера. 4

Из отслужившей свой век кожаной обуви получали ферроцианид калия, применявшийся для изготовления пигментов, в том числе и темно-синего. 5

«Ферма младенцев» (baby farm) — это подобие детского сада, куда матери сдавали своих малышей за минимальную плату и чаще всего с расчетом никогда больше их не видеть. Подробнее о фермах младенцев и связанных с ними скандалами можно прочесть в книге Е. Коути и Н. Харса «Суеверия викторианской Англии» (М.: Центрполиграф, 2011). 6

Суфражистка (suffragette) — участница борьбы за предоставление женщинам избирательных прав. 7

Подробнее о лондонской полиции второй половины XIX века можно прочесть в книге С. Чернова «Бейкер-стрит и окрестности».

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