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Automobile safety

Automobile safety became a very important issue from the beginning of mechanized road vehicle development. The second steam-powered car created by Nicolas Cugnot in 1771 crashed into a wall during its demonstration run.

Automobile safety is the study and practice of design, construction, equipment and regulation to minimize the occurrence and consequences of automobile accidents. Improvements in roadway and automobile designs reduce injury and death rates.

There is active and passive safety. “Active safety” is used to prevent a crash and “passive safety” (airbags, seat belts and the physical structures of the vehicle) helps to protect occupants during a crash. Crash avoidance systems and devices help the driver to avoid a collision.

Driver assistance systems include Automatic Braking systems to prevent the severity of collision, adaptive headlamps which control the direction and range of the headlight beams, back up camera, anti-lock braking systems, emergency brake assist systems, automated parking system.

There are different systems and devices which prevent the severity of injuries when a crash happens.

Seatbelts limit the forward motion of an occupant. Airbags inflate to cushion the impact of a vehicle occupant with various parts of the vehicles interior. Crumple zones absorb and dissipate the force of a collision. There are also pedestrian protection systems. Cargo barriers are sometimes fitted to provide a physical barrier, between passenger and cargo compartments in vehicles such as station wagons and vans.



occurrence [q'kArqns] n.– происшествие, случай

consequence ['kPnsIkwqns] n.– последствие

injure ['InGq] v. – травмировать

headlamp ['hedlxmp] n.– фара

severity [sI'verqtI] n.– серьезность, опасность (травм)

airbag ['eqbxg] n. подушка безопасности

crumple zone ['krAmpl 'zəun] зона смятия

barrier['bxrIq] n.- перегородка

headlight beam['hedlaIt b°m] – луч света фар


Answer the following questions:

1. What became a very important issue from the beginning of mechanized road vehicle development?

2. What does automobile safety mean?

3. What reduces injuries and death rates?

4. What is the difference between active and passive safety?

5. Which systems and devices prevent the severity of injuries?



ТТП, ЭТМК, ПМХ (IV семестр)

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