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Drawing up and Filling in Documents (1)

1. Here are the information and official records that you should gather before you apply for any job.

2. You will need a Social Security number for almost any job.

3. All US residents, foreigners with special visas and even foreign students can get a Social Security number and a card.

4. If you are not a US citizen, you will have to explain what kind of visa you have and give visa number.

5. If you are a foreign student at a US university, you usually can be employed only by your university.

6. Some foreign university students earn small amounts of money by working as babysitters, dishwashers, translators and foreign language tutors.

In addition, after graduation, foreign students are sometimes permitted to work in this country for one year to gain more experience and knowledge. EXERCISES

9. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

карточка социального обеспечения; гражданство; свидетельство о рождении; тип визы; присматривать за детьми; частный учитель иностранного языка; расширить опыт и знание


1. If you are younger than 18, you must have a work permit.

2. You can get a work permit from the principal's office of a high school or from the county school board office.

3. Some jobs require you to drive during working hours.

4. Most states require a written test and a driving test.

5. Being limited-English-proficient or a foreigner should not, normally, stop you from getting a driver's license.

6. If you went to high school in another country, you should do everything possible to get a copy of your foreign high-school diploma.

7. If you attended a college or university, you should get an official transcript of your record.

8. If you completed a vocational technical training programme, you should have a certificate to verify that you had such training.

9. Some professions require you to have a state license in order to work. These professions include cosmetology, nursing, medicine, law, accountancy, pharmacy, engineering, teaching and others.

10. To get the license, you must take an exam. To find out about getting a state license, contact the state licensing board in the capital of your state.

11. Employers may be interested in knowing the kind of training and experience you received in the military, even if you served in the military of another country.

12. You may have skills that you developed without special training. List anything that shows that you have good leadership, communication or manual skills. And don't forget to say that you speak another language!

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