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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Could you also provide on behalf of please place a substantial order the quality of your products

Mr C. Davis 5 March

Leatherware plc

14-19 Chatham Place

Manchester MIS 4AA

Dear Mr Davis

I visited the Leatherware stand at the Dusseldorf Trade Fair last month..........................1 'Pablo Cortez' and was impressed by …………………….2 .

........................................3 send me information about your range of executive briefcases. I think that these could do well in our market.........................................4 full details of prices, delivery dates, methods of payments and discounts. Could you send all the details in your letter as we do not have the time to search through large brochures. Also if you have any other products which might appeal to this segment of the market, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. If terms and delivery dates are satisfactory, I hope to..........................................5.

Yours sincerely

Pedro Jiminez

Pedro Jiminez

Below you will see parts of three letters of enquiry. Put the correct word or phrase in each blank. Choose from the following list. Use each item once only.

Advertisement discount latest catalogue price list

Advise faithfully model price range

Current issue forward particularly reference

Dear information payment still available

A. 1_____________ Sir

I have seen your 2_____________ in the 3_____________ of 'Office Weekly' and am interested in your range of office stationery. Could you please send me your 4______________ and 5_______________. I look 6______________ to hearing from you. Yours 7________________.

B. With 8_______________ to your advertisement in today's 'Times', could you please send me 9_______________ about your office furniture. I am 10______________ interested in your adjustable typist's chairs.

C. Some time ago we purchased from you some JF72 solar-powered pocket calculators. As this 11______________ was so popular with our customers, we would like to know if it is 12________________. If so, would you kindly 13______________ us of your terms of 14_______________ and any quantity 15______________ available. Could you also include details of any new models in the same 16________________.

Replying to letters of enquiry

The following letter is the reply which Colin Davis writes to Pedro Jiminez (see ex. 3.1). There are a number of mistakes in it - sometimes incorrect spelling, sometimes grammatical or usage mistakes. Find the mistakes and write the correct word in the space on the right.

Dear Mr Jiminez Thank you for your letter of 5 March by enquiring about our rainge of executive briefcases. The enclosed leeflet summarises the specifications and prices of our total range of brief and attache cases. In the most cases we are able to suply goods within fourteen days. We allow a qantity discount of 7% on purchases of 50 or more of models, rising to 15% on quantities of 100 or more. Furthermore we offer a discont of 3% for payment within 14 days from date of invoice. Payment should be paid in sterling and within 30 days. Finally I have taken you the liberty of enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue giving full detals of our range of executive luggage and leather goods. I hope you will find it of an interest. Should you have any further questions please do not be hesitate to contact me personally on the above numbers. We look forward to receive an order from you in the near future. Yours sincerely Colin Davis Colin Davis 1___OK_____ 2___________ 3___________ 4___________ 5___________ 6___________ 7___________ 8___________ 9___________ 10__________ 11__________ 12__________ 13__________ 14__________ 15__________ 16__________ 17__________ 18__________ 19__________ 20__________ 21__________ 22__________

3.4 Mr Adriano Gornez, a buyer for a department store in Sao Paulo, Brazil, writes to a clothing manufacturer asking for full details of the company's new range of shirts. He is interested in placing a large order. Write a suitable reply to his enquiry.

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