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Gastrointestinal (2100 знаков)

Gastrointestinal side effects including dry mouth (up to 15%), constipation (up to 7%), increased appetite (up to 6%), vomiting (up to 3%), flatulence (up to 3%), nausea and diarrhea have been reported. Gastroenteritis has been reported frequently. Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, colitis, dysphagia, esophagitis, gastritis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, melena, mouth ulceration, pancreatitis, rectal hemorrhage, and tongue edema have been reported infrequently. Aphthous stomatitis and esophageal ulcer have been reported rarely.[Ref]


General side effects including infection (up to 14%), accidental injury (up to 11%), headache (up to 9%), asthenia (up to 7%), pain (up to 5%), chest pain (up to 4%), facial edema (up to 3%), flu syndrome (up to 2%), and back pain (up to 2%) have been reported. Abdominal pain and fever have been reported frequently. Abscess, cellulitis, chills, malaise, neck rigidity, overdose, pelvic pain, photosensitivity reaction, and suicide attempt have been reported infrequently. Ascites, granuloma, hangover effect, intentional injury, retroperitoneal fibrosis, shock, and suicide have been reported rarely.[Ref]


Ocular side effects including visual field changes (13%), reduced visual acuity (7%), and blurred vision (6%) have been reported. Conjunctivitis and diplopia have been reported frequently. Abnormality of accommodation, blepharitis, dry eyes, eye hemorrhage, hyperacusis, photophobia, retinal vascular disorder, and retinal edema have been reported infrequently. Anisocoria, blindness, corneal ulcer, exophthalmos, extraocular palsy, iritis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, miosis, mydriasis, night blindness, ophthalmoplegia, optic atrophy, papilledema, parosmia, ptosis, and uveitis have been reported rarely.[Ref]

Blurred vision resolved in the majority of cases with continued dosing. Less than 1% of patients discontinued pregabalin treatment due to vision related events (primarily blurred vision).

Patients should be informed that they should notify their physician if changes in vision occur. If visual disturbance persists, further assessment should be considered. Furthermore, more frequent assessment should be considered for patients who are already routinely monitored for ocular conditions.[Ref]


Other side effects including weight gain have been reported. In controlled clinical trials of up to 13 weeks, weight gain of 7% or more over baseline has been reported in 8% of pregabalin-treated patients. Otitis media and tinnitus have been


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