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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Warm up. I. How does your company recruit people?

I. How does your company recruit people?

II. Read this article about Chris Jones. Do you agree with his opinion?


“European industry needs to give as much importance to the character and personality of its managers as it gives to their qualifications!” claimed business consultant Chris Jones at the annual conference of Human Resources Managers in Birmingham yesterday. “When selecting staff for top positions, companies should first identify the ideal personality profile that the job requires. It's not enough to be just well-qualified and hard-working -other qualities are equally, if not more, important. The modern manager must be imaginative, outgoing, communicative, and innovative in order to succeed in modern business.”

Active vocabulary

I. Look at the following adjectives. They all describe a person's personality. Is each word positive, negative, or could it be both?

easy-going single-minded bossy open-minded
narrow-minded enthusiastic sociable goal-oriented
practical charming inconsistent analytical
understanding self-confident supportive ambitious

II. Take it in turns with your partner to define these words. Try to guess the word. Look at the following examples:

easy-going: I think this is a positive word. These people are not difficult to work with. They are flexible, cooperative, and so on.

single-minded: This word could be positive or negative. It can be a good thing to concentrate on only one objective or thing, but this word also describes somebody who does this too much.


I. Listen to four people describing their new managers.

1. First write the adjectives they use to complete column A.

2. Now listen again. How do the four speakers describe the qualities of their managers?

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