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Basic parts of the automobile

The automobile consists of units and the mechanisms forming three basic parts: the chassis, a body and the engine

The chassis of the automobile consists of transmission and a running part and mechanisms of management.

Transmission of the automobile consists of units and the units transmitting twisting moment from the engine to driving wheels and varying twisting moment, frequency of revolutions on size and a direction.

The basic units of transmission of the automobile are: coupling, a box of transfers, cranked transfer, the main transfer, and differential and power shafts -floor axis.

Coupling of the automobile is the mechanism transmitting twisting moment of the engine and allowing quickly disconnecting the engine from transmission and again them smoothly to connect.

The box of transfers of the automobile will transform twisting moment on size and a direction and enables to move forward and back and to separate the engine from transmission on long time.

Cranked transfer of the automobile enables to transfer twisting moment from a box of transfers to conducting bridges under varied corners.

The main transfer will transform twisting moment on size and transfers it from cranked a shaft through differential on floor axis under a constant corner.

The differential of the automobile enables to rotate to driving wheels with various speeds.

The running part is a basis of the automobile, the frame, forward and back axes, springs, shock-absorbers, wheels and trunks concern to it.

Mechanisms of management enable to operate the automobile -steering management change directions of movement, and brakes slowly down speed of movement stop the automobile.


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