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The horseless carriage


Karl Benz, (1844-1929) was a German inventor of the automobile, who devoted his life to making a horseless carriage.

When Benz's three-wheeled engine-driven machine (the first «car») appeared on the streets in 1885, people stood aghast1. A German newspaper wrote: «There is no doubt that this engine-velocipede should prove itself quite practical and useful to doctors, travelers and lovers of sport». It was the beginning of the end for horse traction, and to Benz, it was a particular triumph, because he had made his machine almost by himself. There had been horseless carriages before, which were driven by steam engines but Benz built an engine that was both lighter and more powerful than any other. He put it on to a chassis and got power from the engine to the wheels. Benz's first car was a great achievement for one man; everything - engine, fuel, transmission, controls - had been developed and designed by him. The wheels were driven by means of a chain, and there were two speeds.

His early days were difficult because of the speed limits the police imposed on him: twelve kilometers an hour in the country and six in the city. Benz saw that he would never been able to develop his cars if this rule was not altered2, and he thought of a scheme to abolish3 it. He wrote to the Minister of Baden4 asking him if he would like a ride in his car. The Minister accepted the invitation. Then Benz arranged with a local milkman that he should wait with his horse and van in a certain road. When Benz, with the Minster in his car, passed them, at six kilometers an hour, the milkman, as had been agreed, started off, passed the car at a good speed, and laughed at them. The plan worked perfectly: the Minister was so angry at being passed by a milkman that he ordered Benz to go faster. But Benz referred to5 the speed limit. «Never mind», said the Minister. Thus Benz won the day.



1stood aghast - были в ужасе, ошеломлены

2were not altered - не будут изменены

3abolish - отменять

4Baden - г. Баден

5 to reffer to – ссылаться на что-либо




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