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ТЕМА 3 Kryvyi Rih National University

Kryviy Rig is a large scientific and educational center. There are many scientific research institutes, many establishments of higher education, many technical, vocational and secondary schools. The largest higher educational establishment is Kryviy Rig Technical University.

Kryvyi Rih Technical University is the only higher school in our country, which trains engineers for mining the ores. It was founded in 1992 on the basis of the mining technical school. In 1991 the Academy of Mining sciences of Ukraine was established on its basis. In 1994 it got the status of University.

During the years of its existence over 40 thousand highly skilled specialists for our country and about 360 specialists for foreign states graduated from the University. Many of them have become well-known scientists, managers of large industrial enterprises.

At present Kryvyi Rih Technical University is a large educational centre and it plays significant role in education process. The total number of students is about 16 thousands, many representatives of some foreign countries are among them.

The teaching staff pays much attention to process of training. The location of the University in the centre of major iron-ore basin offers favorable possibilities to combine theory with practice, science with industry.

Kryvyi Rih Technical University is a large research centre, which conducts a great number of research programs for mining, electrical, mechanical engineering and civil engineering industries. Their main directions are: industrial management, mineral dressing, mechanization and automation of industrial processes, environmental protection.

So proudly I can say that Kryvyi Rih Technical University is the best university not only in my town, but in Ukraine.



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