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COMPREHENSION. A. Answer the following questions about management functions

A. Answer the following questions about management functions. The questions which are starred(*) cannot be answered directly from the text. Space is provided at the end for you to add your own questions.

1. What do the duties of managers include?

2. What does planning involve?

3. Why is planning the first management function?

4. What do managers do in the organizing phase?

5. Can staffing be considered as part of the organizing function? Why?

6. Why is ongoing communication necessary for effective direction? *

7. What do managers evaluate in the controlling function? Why is evaluation essential at this phase of a project? *

8. What types of problems could a manager discover in performing the controlling function? *

9. Which skills do managers need to perform effectively? Why is each important? *

10. Give examples of the qualities of an effective manager. Classify these as either interpersonal, organizational, or technical skills. *


B. Complete the diagram by writing in the management functions. Then answer the questions.


Figure 1

1. How does this circular arrangement illustrate the relationships between the four management functions?

2. Why are the arrows two-way rather than just one-way?

3. When does this cycle of planning, organizing, directing and controlling end?

4. Are there other ways that the four management functions can be represented graphically? Explain and draw other figures.

5. Discuss and compare Figure 1 with those figures drawn by your classmates.


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