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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами

1. I... ski very well.

2.... he play the violin?

3. You... visit your friends.

4. You... learn to play the guitar.

5. My sister... cook very well.

6. She... see this performance.

8.3. Закончите предложения. Используйте can't или couldn't + один из этих глаголов: eat, go, go, sec, sleep, understand.

1. 1 was tired but L couldn't sleep.

2. She spoke very quickly. I_________her.

3. His eyes are not very good. He_________well.

4. I wasn't hungry yesterday. I________my dinner.

5. Не___________ to the concert next Saturday. He's working.

6. Не___________to the meeting last week. He was ill.

Подставьте must или had to.

1. I______go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

2. My windows are dirty. 1________clean them.

3. I_________get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

4. The cakes are very nice. You_______have one.

5. He didn't know how to use the machine. I_______show him.

6. Ann came to the party, but she_________leave early.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я не могу закончить работу сегодня.

2. Можно мне взять ваш словарь?

3. Я должен пойти туда немедленно.

4. Когда он приехал в Лондон, то мог вести переговоры без пе­реводчика.

5. Я боюсь, что он не сможет вернуться вовремя.

6. Мы должны будем поехать туда завтра.

7. Им следует напомнить об этом.

8. Мне пришлось остаться дома вчера, т.к. у меня было много работы.

9. Мне пришлось долго его ждать.

10. Я очень рад, что смог помочь ему.

11. Они смогли выполнить все условия договора.

12. Директор должен быть в 11 часов. Вам придется его подождать.



1.2 watches, monthes, cities, teeth, children, wolves, dishes, sheep, mice.

1.3 1) your,2) their, 3) your, 4) yours, 5) my, 6) mine, 7) our,8) their.

1.4 1) at the,2) the largest,3) -,4)-,5)-,6)-.

1.5 1)-, 2) -, 3) a wife, a daughter, 4) -, 5)-, 6) the.


1.6 1) C, 2)F,3)B,4)C,5)D,6)C, 7)B,

8)B, 9)D, 10) E, 11)C, 12)A, 13)A,

14)C, 15) E, 16)E, 17) A, 18)C, 19) A, 20)C.

2.1 pens, windows, walls, weeks, clocks, ships, libraries, watches, sheep, dresses, countries, glasses, days, parties, plays, buses, leaves, lives, colonies, heroes, foxes, halves, Negroes, masses, eyes, places, shelves, keys, mols. lliieves, rays, bushes, mouths, teeth, journeys, children, feet, postmen, knives, mice.


1. boxes, shelves.

2. Feet.

3. There are... dictionaries.

4.... are the knives.

5 There factories have...laboratories.

6. These stories are....

7. Keys.


1. A woman and a child....

2. The key to the box was....

3. The wolf has....

4. The mouse was....

5. This factory produces....


1. I bought this watch in Kiev.

2. In summer we eat a lot of fruit.

3. Her hair is dark.

4. This news is very interesting.

5. Whose money is this?

6. When does the holiday begin?

7. We received this information some days ago


3.1 1. is 2. is 3. am 4. are 5. are, are 6. is 7. are 3.2 2. am 3. am 4. is 5. is’t 6. am not 7. aren’t 3.3 2. is, was 3. am 4. was 5. were 6. were 7.is


1. This girl is my sister. Her name is Mary. She is an engineer.

2. Is your son a worker or a doctor?

3. What is your friend? - She is a teacher.

4. What is your wife? - She is an engineer.

5. Our flat is large.

6. Are you a student or a manager'? - I am a manager.

7. Where are your children? - They are at home.


1. They were here an hour ago.

2. Was he in time yesterday?

3. Were you at home on Monday morning? No, 1 wasn't. I was at the ministry.

4. He wasn't at home yesterday evening.


bigger, the biggest; heavier, the heaviest; shorter, the shortest; dirtier, the dirtiest; cleaner, the cleanest; nearer, the nearest; worse, the worst, more famous, the most famous; less, the least, more, the most; clev­erer, the cleverest, better, the best; more expensive, the most expensive; cheaper, the cheapest; more important, the most important; hotter, the hot­test; more beautiful, the most beautiful; larger, the largest; more practical, the most practical;

fatter, the fattest; earlier, the earliest; happier, the happiest; brighter, the brightest; darker; the darkest; drier, the driest; fresher, the freshest; fuller, the fullest; quicker, the quickest; later, the latest; nicer, the nicest; sadder, the saddest; thinner, the thinnest; wetter, the wettest; funnier, the funniest; lazier, the laziest; more comfortable, the most comfortable.


1. the longest

2. the shortest

3. wider, deeper

4. more practical

5. smaller

6. the largest

7. better.


1. as … as

2. so … so

3. as … as

4. as … as

5. as … as


  1. Is your brother older than you? – No, he’s younger.
  2. 2. This boy is the smallest in his group.

3. This article is more interesting than that one.

4. This text is the most difficult of all the texts we have ever read.

5. He is not so clever as his brother.

6. This is the highest building in the town.

7. Today the wind is not so strong as it was yesterday.


5.1 5.2

2. smokes 2.... doesn't play...

3. have. 3.... don't know....

4. like, go 4.... doesn't work...

5. boils 5.... don't live....

6. open 6.... doesn't love....

7. doses. 7.... don't speak....

8. costs

9. cost 10. teaches

1 l.meet. 12. washes.


2. Do you play...?

3. Does she play...?

4. Do you know...?

5. Do you like...?

6. Does he smoke...?

7. Do they speak...? 9. Where do you live?

10. How often do you watch TV?

11. What time do you get up?

12. How do you go to work? 4.4

1. He usually comes home after work at 5 o'clock.

2. Where do you work?

3. Do you often speak English?

4. Your sister often stays at work late.

5. What do you do on Sundays? 5.1

2. are building.

3. is swimming

1. is coming.

2. am cooking....


2. is snowing.

3. am sitting....

4. am not eating....

5. is not raining....

6. am learning....

7. am listening....

8. isn't shining.

9. am wearing....

10. am not smoking....

11. am reading....


1. is watering, is playing.

2. is sitting

3. is walking...

4. are... looking, am looking

5. is getting

6. is working, is making. 6.1

3. don't watch.

4. is singing.

5. wants

6. do... read

7. are sitting

8. don't understand

9. am reading

10. does... finish

11. am not listening


1. are... doing, am waiting.

2. Does... speak..., speaks

3. is knocking.

4. are writing

5. writes

6. Do … hear …, am listening, don’t hear.

7. smokes

6. 5

1. Where is your brother? – He is playing tennis.

2. Does he play tennis well? – No, he doesn’t. He plays badly.

3. 1 don't know the man, who is speaking to the director.

4. 1 often speak with my friend about our journey.

5. She sings very well.

6. Listen, she is singing next door now.

7. He doesn't see that I am looking at him as he is reading some­thing with great interest.


2. cleaned

3. smoked

4. started, finished

5. happened

6. wanted

7. lived

8. had, stayed

9. rained

10. opened

11. played

12. died.


2. didn't work....

3. didn't go

4. didn't have

5. didn't do


2. Did you enjoy...?

3. Did you have...?

4. Did you get up...?

5. Did you sleep...?

7.... did he arrive?

8.... did you see?

9.... did they want?

10....did it finish?

11.... did she go...?

12....did it cost?


2. was

3. weren't, were.

4. wasn't, was

5. weren't, was

6. were, was


1. Where were you yesterday? - I went to the cinema.

2. Did you like the film? - Yes, it was very interesting.

3. When did you come home? - I came home late and went to bed.

4. We read a new text at the lesson the day before yesterday.

5. On Sunday we decided to go to the country.

6. The weather was fine and we spent 3 hours in the country.

7. Yesterday I got up late because it was my day off.


1. haven't met. Have you met...?

2. haven't learned. Have they learned...?

3. hasn't finished. Has he finished...?

4. hasn't woken up. Has he woken up?

5. Haven't had. Have they had...?


1. Have you seen?

2. Have you ever been?

3.... hasn't come

4. have finished

5. Have you done...?


1.... cooked dinner.

2.... finished the work.

3.... been to London?

4....been to the USA?

5.... read this book.


1. My nephew is only 4, but he has learned to read.

2. I've never heard about it.

3. Have you moved to a new fiat?

4. Have you ever seen this actor?

5. This month I've read 3 books.

6. I haven't seen my brother lately.

7. I lave you ever been to London?


1. I could help, shall be able to help.

2. could do, I'll be able to do.

3. had to be, he'll have to be.

4. had to do, shall have to do.

5. had


1. can

2. can

3. must

4. should

5. can

6. ought to


2. couldn't understand.

3. can't see

3. couldn't eat

4. can't go

5. couldn't go


1. had to

2. must

3. must

4. must

5. had to

6. had to


1. I can't finish the work today.

2. May I take your dictionary?

3. I must go there at once.

4. When he went to London he could lead negotiations without an interpreter.

5. I am afraid he won't be able to return in time.

6. We'll have to go there tomorrow.

7. You should remind them about it.

8. I had to stay at home yesterday, as 1 had a lot of things to do.

9. I had to wait for him long.

10. I'm glad 1 was able to help him.

11. They were able to carry out all the terms of the contract.

12. The director must be at 11 o'clock. You have to wait for him.


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