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We are students of Medical University

Last summer when I left my school, I got a General Certificate of Secondary Education or GCSE for short and made up my mind to enter some university. I followed my parent’s advice and began working hard for my entrance examinations. Soon I passed my entrance examinations and was admitted to Medical University.

Now there are fifteen students in my group. We attend our classes regularly and try never miss the lectures. Students who live at the University hostel as well as those who live with the parents can always have their dinner at our University canteen. The food is cheap and rather good so we don’t spend much money on it. Most students do not pay for their education and study free of charge. If a student is rather academic, works hard and is responsible, he gets a stipend monthly. Frankly speaking, most of us get stipends this year.

The first-year curriculum includes many subjects. Anatomy and Latin are the most important subjects in the first year. Our timetable includes six periods of Anatomy weekly. I am greatly interested in Latin, Anatomy and Histology and pay great attention to these subjects. During our practical classes in some other subjects, we often carry on experiments in laboratories. Sometimes we receive very interesting findings. We also have to take notes on lectures delivered by professors of medicine.

Some of my group mates and fellow students and belong to different scientific societies. They spend much time on research work, and cope with it well. It will help future doctors to better understand the character of diseases and it will teach them to be more observant. Those who are eager to become not ordinary doctors must be interested in modern medical articles not only in the Russian but in foreign languages as well. Most of the members of these societies are senior students who are going to attend post-graduate courses.

At the university, all of us have an opportunity to take an active part in the University social life. As I am sociable and friendly with my fellow students, I spend all my spare time together with them. We attend discussions, go to the theatre and cinema and arrange all kinds of parties. I intend to go home for my winter vocation as I miss my parents and all my schoolmates.

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