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Our University

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University was opened in 1953 to create the scientific base for agriculture in the Siberian region. Today it ranks among the best 10 Agrarian Universities in Russia. The University trains qualified specialists for different branches of agroindustry. They are trained at 13 departments – at the veterinary department, department of electrification and mechanization, at the departments of law and management and so on.

Our specialists deal with different problems of agroindustry, among them intensification of food production, improvement of soil fertility and yield increase, mechanization and electrification of agroindustry. They try to solve problems of soil improvement and yield increase by proper irrigation and drainage practices.

Our students have 2 old buildings and some new and quite modern buildings. There are many classrooms, lecture halls and different laboratories there. There is also a computer centre at the University. One of the new buildings is our library. Here we have a conference hall and some reading rooms.

In summer students of our University have their on-the-job training. They work at the crop-growing or livestock-breeding farm, or at the processing enterprise. Some students work as milkmaids and tractor drivers. It helps our students to get practical knowledge and skills and become good specialists.

Our department was opened in 1993. There are about 400 students there. We study different subjects, among them English, economics, marketing, management, accounting, computer technologies, etc.

We study six days a week Monday to Saturday. We have lectures, seminars, role-plays, laboratory works. We have highly-qualified teachers who deliver lectures and conduct seminars. Sometimes foreign teachers come to our University.

Topical Vocabulary

to create the scientific base – создать научную базу

agriculture – сельское хозяйство

department – факультет

improvement of soil fertility – улучшение плодородия почвы

yield increase – повышение урожайности

irrigation and drainage practices – методы полива и дренажа

on-the-job training – практика

crop – growing – выращивание урожая

livestock-breeding farm – ферма племенного животноводства

а milkmaid – доярка

а tractor driver – водитель трактора

processing enterprise – предприятие по переработке

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