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National Cuisine in Moscow Restaurants

What cuisine is popular among Moscovites and the guests of Moscow besides the leading Russian cuisine? This is so-called international cuisine, which is in fact, a free combination of the most well known European, American and Oriental cuisines. In Moscow restaurants you can order international dishes although each restaurant, as a rule, specializes in one of the national cuisines.

In today's Moscow you can find a classical choice of French cuisine dishes at the restaurant "Nostalgic". The splendid wine list of this restaurant is famous in Moscow.

Italian cuisine in Moscow is one of the most popular. Italian cuisine is famous for pasta dishes and internationally popular "pizza". Best Moscow restaurants, "Pizza Express" for example, will always offer a great choice of pasta dishes with different sauces as well as many kinds of pizza.

North American cuisine has become popular in Moscow lately. Restaurants with American cuisine offer meat dishes, vegetable dishes and fruit salads. You can taste real American steak in "Steak-house", "Exchange" and "B. B. King". Desserts, sweets, pastries are numerous: fruit juices, fresh fruit, fruit salads, whipped cream, biscuits, pies, and puddings.

Latin-American cuisine is famous for its spicy dishes with a lot of chili pepper. You can taste excellent Spanish cuisine in "Bulldog" restaurant. Worldwide popular TexMex dishes prepared by an American chef are the pride of the restaurant "Cactus Jack".

Caucasian cuisine has always been very popular in Russia. "Suliko" restaurant offers juicy and aromatic Caucasian shish-kebabs.

If you are interested in the culinary arts of Indo-China, we recommend you to visit popular Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian restaurants. Fish dishes — sashimi and sushi are the specialties of Japanese restaurants. Despite the fact that the peoples of Indo- China eat practically every kind of food, in the culinary art they don't use European dairy products. The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese use little salt, but they use vinegar, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in water as dressings. Try excellent Chinese cuisine at the "Chopsticks" restaurant.

Welcome to Moscow restaurants!

Answer the questions:

1.Where can you find a classical choice of French dishes?

2. What is Italian cuisine famous for?

3. Where can you taste real American steak?

4. What is Latin-American cuisine famous for?

5. What fish dishes are the specialties of Japanese restaurants?

Translate into English:

1. Многочисленные рестораны в московских гостиницах знамениты своей русской кухней.

2.Каждый ресторан, как правило, специализируется на одной из национальных


3.Итальянская кухня — одна из наиболее популярных в Москве.

4.Итальянская кухня знаменита своими блюдами из спагетти и пиццей.

5.Латиноамериканская кухня известна своими пряными блюдами с большим количеством жгучего перца.

6.Кавказская кухня всегда была очень популярна в России.

7.В этом ресторане вы найдете классический выбор французских блюд.

8. Добро пожаловать в московские рестораны!



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